I know this has been discussed in the past but I wanted to get opinions.
D auditioned this weekend and there were 5 on the panel – would it be appropriate something to each? They did not introduce themselves and the audition was very business-like but she recognizes them from the school’s website. Or would it be better to send a note to the music admissions people?
Thanks for any suggestion.
I do not think it is appropriate to send a note.
I think it’s fine to send a note for a sample lesson, but not for an audition. JMO.
Agree with the above. We never sent notes to the audition panel. My D sent an email thank you for sample lessons.
I agree - not necessary. Although, if one was sent, I’m sure a panel would not be offended. (I also don’t believe it would have any impact at all on admissions either way. The panel has enough to deal with already.)
Thank you for the feedback. Last week’s audition was at a school where she had a lesson prior to the audition and she did send a brief thank you email - and got a great response. Since there was not a personal connection with any of the panel this time, I agree that it is not necessary. Thanks again!!!
We have only done that in one case – and that was when a professor sent her a handwritten note thanking her for auditioning !! This was for a small program where they only auditioned a few, so for all we know, everybody got one. And don’t worry, it’s not any of the programs typically discussed here. But it was very very nice…and maddening as well, because it didn’t give any hint on the admissions decision…which we are still awaiting. 
My D sends thank you’s after sample lessons only or if a teacher has emailed her first after an audition ( which has been lovely!)
This question just came up on the musical theatre forum as well, but with the opposite response (i.e. yes, send thank yous). I thought that was interesting. I think the more personal a connection you feel you made w the panel, the more it can be okay.
MT and MP/VP are such different animals @choirsandstages.
Agreed. It’s a hard thing to put into words, but I understand that what holds true for them doesn’t necessarily work the same way for us.
Huh…my D auditioned for both and we never sent thank yous to anyone during auditions - and she did get offers at good programs. BUT you do spend more time “working” with the “panel”. MT auditions are much longer (in most cases) and you can actually be working with the director for part of it. So it makes more sense I guess. For VP, it’s totally unnecessary. But MT always feels like more of a “love fest” and I mean that in a good way. Lots of energy and action. Directors trying to sell you on their program. For VP, it’s just more restrained…you get your 5 - 10 minutes and that’s that.
There are certain things in these auditions that just are not done. In fact they send the wrong message. This is one of those things. I know that you are just trying to “connect”. But don’t do it.
I’m picturing my son’s reaction (sax performance/jazz studies) if I were to suggest that he send thank you notes after an audition. Pretty sure I’d get that “Oh, Mom, you’re so clueless…” look.
musicamusica is right. A thank you after an audition is not a good move. A thank you after a lesson is appropriate.
Yes and thank you to @musicamusica and @glassharmonica.
my D has a sore throat and we are leaving for Rochester…sob!!!
Good luck! If you are staying in a hotel, I recommend one of those nifty portable humifiers that you can stock with a simple water bottle. They sell them at CVS and on Amazon and cost under $30.
Just curious - why is it a bad idea? I would have assumed it was much like the custom of sending a brief, professional thank you note after a job interview, which is what an audition, in many ways, is for these kids.
Are you saying a thank you note could have a negative effect on an applicant’s outcome?
That’s surprising.
I would be very surprised if there was a negative impact from a thank you - it’s just that a note isn’t expected in the circumstance. If an instructor has gone out his/her way personally and especially if the applicant has been contacted personally, as some have noted above, the situation might be different and a thank you would be a polite response. But also, even then, I would say not strictly necessary - schools are also “recruiting” the ones they want and some are concerned about their “yield”, so any contacts from teachers/schools may be a bit more self-serving and less personal than an applicant would like to think. Point being, no need to be rude, but if the student is really desired, failure to respond with a thank you won’t have an impact.
Thank yous following auditions are not generally sent in the orchestra world. In professional orchestra auditions, there may be some email contact between a personnel manager and an auditioner in which it is appropriate to indicate thank you for the opportunity - I would let the first communication come from them. Should an auditioner ever send anything directly to a Music Director or a committee? I don’t think so - the auditioner probably doesn’t even know who was on the panel, probably didn’t ever play for the Music Director and, unless moved to the final rounds, was behind a screen so unknown to the “decision makers”.