<p>I <em>think</em> we're done... for this year, at least! Thanks to all the guidance and suggestions posted here, we had only one minor hitch in the process along the way, and that resulted from a college's end, not ours. It was very reassuring not only to have reliable, authoritative answers to questions I had, but to know I was not alone in being confused or uncertain. Thank you, everyone!</p>
<p>Thanks for expressing appreciation.
How did things work out for your student?</p>
<p>Thanks for asking, NSM. On the admissions side, things worked out great! Wonderful choices, terrific opportunities within a range of top 20 LACs... On the financial aid side, the responses have been (sadly but not surprisingly) quite consistent with the predictions of various EFC calculators that veteran CCers steered us to. Happily, one school offered an unexpectedly generous package--biggish grant, no loans--and one school has yet to be heard from because of a snafu on their end. I'm not expecting much from there but still hoping!</p>