Thanksgiving travel

<p>We see the dorms close the day before Thanksgiving but air travel on that day is proving to be a little difficult. Our daughter has a class until 5 pm the night before (Tuesday) but air travel is much better on this day. Might some professors have flexibility due to the holiday? - is it common for fewer students to be on campus Tuesday, or are things full swing.</p>

<p>You should be fine. A lot of students tend to leave earlier than Wed. Just make sure your daughter checks in with her professor, hands in her work, and is very courteous about it. Professors will appreciate that and generally they <em>are</em> pretty flexible. You might want to wait to schedule flights until she gets a syllabus from each class, just in case. What kind of class will she be missing?</p>

<p>Thanks for this. We're also wondering what transportation is available for students to and from the airport.</p>

<p>The Student Activities Office typically provides a schedule of free airport shuttles around the major breaks. She should talk to the folks there about being sure she can take advantage of that. If for some reason that doesn't work, I'd bet that within her residence hall there will be others headed to the airport that could share a cab and therefore reduce the cost.</p>

<p>Hi - I’m resurrecting this thread since it is Thanksgiving week. We’re glad for the airport shuttle going to the airport, but apparently the service is not offered on the return on Sunday. My daughter is having difficulty arranging ground transportation back to UR from the airport. Is there a way she can connect or communicate with other air travelers (other than randomly asking around) or any other suggestions?</p>

<p>My roommate lives pretty far away, so she has to fly home, and she’s always taken a taxi back from the airport. There are a lot of taxis in Richmond - you should have no problem arranging one to pick her up. Besides taking a taxi, I’m not sure if there’s really any other way to get back, since the airport is kind of far away (like 30 mins.) Does she have any friends who are also flying in on Sunday? They could always split the taxi cost. Unless she has a friend with a car who could come pick her up, I would say a taxi is pretty much the only option.</p>

<p>It’s about a $40 cab fare. Typically you can find some other UR students on your flight. May be able to either catch a ride back with them, their ride or split a cab back to campus with them.</p>

<p>UR students should not count on the shuttle. </p>

<p>The shuttle to the Richmond airport on Tuesday will only accomodate approximately 60 students. </p>

<p>Students have asked for more runs but the Administration has thus far refused to increase the number of shuttles or runs that it makes.</p>

<p>That’s why there’s a sign-up for the shuttle beforehand, so that no one is left out of luck at last minute.</p>