"The Best of CC: Vol. I" ?

<p>coureur liked this one (as do I) "Why and Who I Fixed My Grammar For".</p>

<p>I like it too! :D</p>

<p>I loved FrecklyBeckly's story & her postings -- her sweet generosity about her feelings included. I hope I don't have the screen name wrong: the one whose brother got into Yale; she went to Michigan, I believe.</p>

<p>Curmudgeon, at an Open House at Union College (NY), the admissions officer was talking about the essay. Her example of what NOT to write came from an actual essay she received: "Why it wasn't my fault that I got arrested for shoplifting."</p>

<p>I am emailing the link to Lucifer's story in the Princetonian to my d (10th grade) and her health teacher. D thinks the warnings about alcohol, etc, that the school gives would be a lot more effective coming from someone who has actually made the mistakes (e.g. someone from AA). This article might also wake up a few know-it-all kids.</p>

<p>Oh...what about Getouttabuffalo (oh that's not exactly how it was spelled). This student worked very hard, and pursued some fine scholarship and acceptance applications. I believe she is not at UNC Chapel Hill on a Pogue Scholarship. I know <em>I</em> was mighty proud of her accomplishments as they unfolded!!</p>

<p>epiphany you've got the name correct and yes, Frecklybeckly went to U Mich.</p>

<p>Big congrats to the daughters of Cur and Mini. I've been out of the loop and missed this until now!</p>

<p>I still think this is the best thread ever on CC.</p>

<p>"World's Best Pencil", written primarily byMorgantruce and Carolyn.</p>

<p>College</a> Confidential Discussion</p>

<p>Thanks for sharing the pencil thread...that was before I got here. Truthfully a riot!!</p>

<p>Now...what is the best paper??</p>

<p>I enjoyed the debate on "to staple or paper clip" a lot. ...also really enjoyed GetOutaBuffalo last season.</p>