The Best Way to Memorize Vocabulary

<p>Abetted by his boss, Jane assassinated the his No.1 enemy.</p>


<p>I proposed a remonstrance to the school in which I stated that we should not go to school that early.</p>


<p>Children regularly get into fights over nugatory, pointless matters.</p>


<p>I gave a perfunctory look at the lease and signed it.</p>


<p>Having eaten too many burritos, he gave out a constant zephyr of stench.</p>


<p>Only increased foreign aid can mitigate the terrible effects of the earthquake.</p>


<p>The unexpected bombing of the twin towers caused worldwide panic and consternation.</p>


<p>Jacks gleeful countenance belied his baneful intentions. </p>


<p>His speech was always interlarded with swear words, and he could hardly utter a sentence without including in it the "f-word."</p>


<p>My friend had only a cursory understanding what the women of the internet were for.</p>

<p>Blank blankity blank blank.</p>

<p>Thanks for not leaving us any word, lolilaughed. :p </p>


<p>Even after begging repeatedly, Jane Doe was not reprieved of her death sentence.</p>


<p>He was cajoled into taking the job after the scout's flattering.</p>


<p>Just because he was of Asian minority his colleagues were INIMICAL towards him.</p>


<p>Though some believe I am a strong atheist, I am actually an agnostic.</p>


<p>I would give some careful deliberations about your offer.</p>


<p>One with a great moral compass is said to have probity.</p>


<p>The vindictive mouse plotted revenge against the cat.</p>


<p>He cannot swim but he is a miserly young man who would rather drown than pay someone to save him.</p>


<p>The poignant remark hit him hard.</p>
