The bowdoin "b"

<p>I’ve heard a lot about the bowdoin “b”. how hard is it to truly get an A? How much work does one have to put in for an A versus a B? Is there grade inflation or deflation? How often do kids get As?</p>


<p>I dont have any answer for you, but I was curious as to whether or not bowdoin was on the 10 pt. grading scale and if you get +'s and -'s…?</p>

<p>‘Word on the street’ is that you have to bust your rear end to get an A…that being said i think that grad schools know that its pretty hard to get one and wont penalize you the same as if you got b’s at a less difficult school. </p>

<p>According to wiki there is a bunch of grade inflation in the theater and womans studies departments and possible deflation in the government/legal studies department </p>

<p>I dont know what the 10 point scale is but i do know that they got by +'s and -'s</p>

<p>We have -'s and +'s but unfortunately no A+'s so you cannot get a 4.3 GPA here. It’s true that there are a lot of B’s and it is hard to get an A but no impossible or anything. Will depend a lot on working with the professor. In math, science classes it will be easier to get an A because things are more right or wrong. However the hard nature of these classes offset that. Bottom line is that it’s hard to find incredibly easy classes but some professors could be substantially harder than others.</p>

<p>youngn-011 , are you currently in Bowdoin?</p>

<p>Do you have any clue about Economics ?? Is it really hard to get an A?? I love the study abroad program of the Econs Dep :x:X:</p>

<p>I am currently in Bowdoin. Econ is hard but kinda like maths if you get the concepts and calculations right you should get an A. However the average Econ major GPA is between about a 2.5 or lower so that tells a lot. I’m personally not taking Econ till next semester but it seems like one of those things that you either get or not. Also some professors are harder than others but it’s okay just get yourself through the college process first.</p>

<p>Wait till you get to Bowdoin, try it out and work hard and I’m sure you’ll be rewarded accordingly or maybe you’ll find that something else is right for you. Please don’t shortchange your education on what you can get easier A’s on though because some things you like and work harder and get A’s and some things you don’t.</p>

<p>S. is currently a junior at Bowdoin (loves it) with a double major that includes economics.
He has earned quite a few A’s in econ and his overall GPA is 3.6. </p>

<p>To give you a sense of the top GPAs -
Bowdoin recognizes the top 20% GPAs (students would be current sophomores, juniors or seniors as award is based upon previous years work). S made the cut freshman year (GPA just under 3.8 ) but not sophomore year with a cummulative GPA 3.6. </p>


<p>269 Scholars honored at 2008 Sarah and James Bowdoin Day Ceremony
Story posted October 31, 2008</p>

<p>Bowdoin’s highest-ranking scholars were recognized at the College’s Sarah and James Bowdoin Day exercises Friday, October 31, 2008. Sarah and James Bowdoin scholarships are awarded each fall on the basis of work completed the previous academic year.</p>

<p>The award is given to the 20 percent of all eligible students with the highest grade point average. </p>

<p>[269</a> Scholars honored at 2008 Sarah and James Bowdoin Day Ceremony, Campus News (Bowdoin)](<a href=“News | Bowdoin College”>News | Bowdoin College)</p>