<p>I know that this is supposed to be an opportunity to provide insight into who you are, but I've known about this for four years, and I'm still filled with nothing but dread when I think of what I could possibly fill it with.
I've considered collages, power-points, hand-drawn pictures, and I'm still at a complete loss for as to what is appropriate for this sort of thing.</p>
<p>Would some of you guys mind mentioning the route y'all took to sort of provide a feel for what it is that the admissions admin receives?</p>
<p>This isn’t as important as you think it is. I put a picture of myself with my favorite teacher, just do whatever you think fits your personality.</p>
<p>As long as you avoid a Rice (the food) theme which is stupid and cliche, you should be ok. I put a picture and a brief story of my pet owl (sneaky right?) that I rescued.</p>
<p>Power-points? How would that work?</p>
<p>I put a picture of somebody skiing. I firmly believe it doesn’t matter what you put in the box as long as its not rice.</p>
<p>^ My brother 3 years ago used rice (the food) and got in, so it’s not a deal breaker
although idk if they’ll be as nice now.</p>
<p>It’s not that big of a deal, really. It’s tough to pick something, but I doubt it matters much.</p>
<p>I used a picture of a horse (as that’s one of my ECs) and got in.</p>
<p>Haha, so big picture: have fun with it? Thanks, guys. This took a huge chip off my shoulder. (:</p>
<p>@Dorian_Mode, I was thinking of composing a show, putting the individual slides beside one another, and using it as a progressive-picture-type thing. I’ve been over thinking it entirely.</p>
<p>^^ Don’t over think it. ;)</p>
<p>I put a powerful image taken from a music video of a man raising his fists after being freed from an entangling business that has consumed his life. It just felt right. I guess it was, I don’t know. I got in. haha</p>
<p>I got in, and I feel like I really messed up the box, so I doubt it’s all that important. I put in a random picture of some cool-looking skyscraper, with the intent to add a short description of how that relates to engineering (which is what I’ll probably study). However, I forgot to add the description so I’m sure it just looked stupid when all they saw was a picture of some building.
Side note- I was actually really close to just putting in a picture of a bunch of different kinds of junk food… donuts and stuff. There isn’t really a “wrong answer”, as long as you avoid the rice-as-a-food theme (which Antarius already pointed out).</p>
<p>I spent several hours creating something in photoshop that represented my interests and what I wanted for my future, but that’s only because graphics design is a specialty of mine. You don’t necessarily have to create something for the box (when I went to Owl Days a lot of people told me they got in just by putting in something random from google images LOL), but if you are artistically inclined I would incorporate that in the box somehow, because anything that helps your application stand out should be good, right? Oh, and I defiantly had an owl flying in my image :P. When in doubt, just have fun with it and go with what feels right.</p>
<p>I drew some random cute things in the box and I got in with scholarships. I really don’t think it matters all that much. Don’t try too hard: just be yourself.</p>