The Bragging Thread

The German Brewery worker guy/girl gets my vote! I make it a point not to have any regrets but I kind of regret not doing that right after college!

My soon to be new MBA landed a great job today
and it’s on this coast! Happy Me!

And this means the Bank of Mom and Dad will start receiving a monthly payment! :wink: :smiley:

My DD is an amazing recruited athlete in her sport. Mid Junior year she decided to not pursue getting recruited and continue her focus on academics with the hope of chasing merit money and being able to focus only on academics in college. She took her ACT until she hit her goal and applied at targeted schools with 100% acceptance. Yesterday she was awarded a full academic scholarship (tuition and living expenses) to her first choice school!

Not a brag, exactly. More like a hallelujah!

Not quite 4 years after D2 was diagnosed with cancer, she’s now officially in remission!

She met with her oncologist today and was told she can discontinue all her cancer therapy drugs.

Oh, my goodness, that’s the best post ever!!!


@WayOutWestMom, that is better than any brag.

@threebeans, very impressive.

@shawbridge @oregon @VeryHappy

I think so too. And her birthday was yesterday–so the absolutely best-est birthday gift ever.

(She’s almost finished her intern year in surgical specialty-- she was diagnosed at the end of her first year of med school and still managed to finish med school on time and at the top of her class—so she is one determined and special young woman. I’m so proud of her.)

Fabulous news, @WayOutWestMom !!! Congrats!!

Congrats, @threebeans !!


Your post is the best I’ve read in a very long time.

I’m so happy for you and your family.

@WayOutWestMom I didn’t realize your D had cancer! Wow, congratulations to all of you.

My brag is that DS, 26, has done well at his new job. It’s the first one he’s EVER held, because when he was still healthy, in high school, he concentrated on Boy Scouts and running and never had a job back then. He works two hours on Mondays and the same on Fridays, sanding furniture in a factory. Half of the company’s work force is disabled and works alongside abled employees. I know it doesn’t sound like much, but it’s huge!


Kudos to your son. It’s a big step.

You gotta take your victories wherever you can get them.

@WayOutWestMom : What is the picture in your avatar?


It’s a shallow fused glass bowl I made. The center portion is actually clear; the white is the sheet I had the platter lying on when I took the photo.

^^Beautiful!!! And congrats to your daughter.

Wonderful good news post @WayOutWestMom and whoohoo @MaineLonghorn !

Congratulations to you both, @WayOutWestMom and @MaineLonghorn !

My much more pedestrian brag is that I turned in my letter stating my intention to retire at the end of this school year. I still love my job but it’s time to leave while I still do. I never want to be the crabby old lady in the classroom.

Congratulations, @dragonmom. Thank you for retiring now, ha. DS had a “crabby old lady” for geometry in 10th grade. Argh. He was struggling and we asked her for extra resources for him to study. She said something like, “Well, it was my colleagues who developed this curriculum and I really don’t have any other resources to suggest.” Really?!? My husband was furious. She was almost antagonistic in her responses, and we certainly weren’t being provoking. She retired the next year, thank goodness.

^^^Great news @MaineLonghorn and @WayOutWestMom!!

My D is finishing up her MFA in acting (Brown/Trinity) and had successful showcase performances— looks like she will have a manager when she moves to NYC. I have my fingers crossed.