The Bragging Thread

My 21-year-old daughter has her first boyfriend ever! I’m proud of her for holding out so long - she saw all the drama her friends have gone through the past 8 years and made a conscious decision to take her time committing to someone. :slight_smile:

My Oldest won the top national Latin award medal after complaining in September that everyone in the class had previous taken Latin. Dug deeper and pulled out a medal.

D was asked to Prom. She has been through so much in HS, I just want her happy. We don’t really care about grades or test scores. To be asked by a really nice, cute kid has just made her so happy and just proves to us how resilient she is. She has pushed through adversity and shown how important it is to just be a nice person.

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@MAmom111 I can so relate to this! My D also overcame a lot in high school and it made her resilient too. She is also a very kind, decent person.
No doubt your D will do great things in the future. Congrats!

Grades published, it’s official, daughter will graduate with a 4.0 in engineering!

Younger daughter graduates in three weeks with an MFA in acting (Brown/Trinity) and she has signed with an agent. (She had several choices.) Hopeful that she’ll leave the “Bank of Mom and Dad” as she heads to NYC after graduation.

ChoatieLT passed the 6-hour NCEES FE Electrical and Computer exam in three hours on the first sitting and is all set to graduate at the top of his EE class in less than three weeks. He called today to say he defended his capstone and passed with flying colors, turned in all his papers, was fitted for his Army Service Uniform, and was starting to pack up his room, almost ready to formally step into The Long Gray Line (and leave the gray prison). Hard to believe that his 47-month “college” journey is almost over. Well done, son! Well done.

Congratulations to your son and to you @ChoatieMom. You should be proud.

18 for a 70th birthday party for H. Went splendidly aside from the live Jazz for the restaurant beginning an hour earlier than we expected. The food was delicious, the cake spectacular, S gave a sweet and loving toast.

It is my last big event. I went out with a bang. I swear I was an event planner in another life.
Tucked scratch off lottery tickets in the napkins( hysterical to see a genius psychiatrist struggle to understand a $2 lottery ticket), had 7 generations of H’s life in pictures placed 3 places at the table.
Seating chart was awesome.

D made Dean’s List again after a challenging semester. So excited and proud! She’s officially a chem e now!

Got to watch and hear my daughter perform a flute solo at the Baccalaureate event. It was a thrill to see her so poised in front of the crowd. Our only chance to see her perform live in college, on her last night of undergrad. She did not disappoint. I was breathless!

Some personal boasting, so people don’t feel badly for me. My party for 30+ people was really good. People noticed all the touches, like the flag I put on the pole outside. I had quilted the names of the kids, surrounded by balloons. I put different ivy plants in small red baskets. I had condensed pictures of my son, and fiancées parents bring pictures of her, which were added. Boston baked beans all around. Other Boston touches.

Biggest boast was the album I made for my son. Clearly a disciple of Mary Kunto, I had gone thru dozen of albums and boxes of photos to gleam the best. Parents of son’s childhood friends would point out photos of their sons from childhood. His teacher found a few of herself. The younger family members had their wedding pictures included. It was 32 years of history. I left a few pages to include photos of the party.

@bookworm, why would we feel badly for you?? Did I miss something?

I posted in “Say it here…”. How I was disappointed and hurt the fiancées parents rented a house with expectation that the kids would stay all 4 nights with them.

D19 played huge role (first place in 2 events and team captain) in her team winning the conference title in track for the very first time in the 40+year history of the conference. Smallest school in the conference, by far, and the girls finally took home the title. What a great thing to happen in the girls’ senior year.

I am a co-founder of and Godfather to a recent startup in Silicon Valley. We turned down a $3.5 MM seed round a month or so ago (this was hard to do but we became uncomfortable with the lead investor) and are now closing on a “healthy” pre-seed round ($1.25 MM or so). We are turning down money – we want to be a healthy pre-seed and not an anemic seed (somehow this all matters to the VCs).

Congrats!! Great strategy. While I have no direct experience with raising money, I have seen what could happen when a startup picks a wrong initial crowd of investors.

My try-to-blend-in-the-background daughter got the “Outstanding Marcher” award at her competitive band’s banquet tonight. You just can’t hide your light, kiddo!

D got a letter from her chem prof congratulating her on her mastery of the materials and work ethic needed to earn an A+. Love when her big state flagship does these surprisingly personal touches, especially for this class which was non-honors and had over 300+ students.

Wonderful @momofsenior1.