The Bragging Thread

My D just got a 4.0 this semester from a highly selective LAC known for grade deflation!

My D graduates this week-end (MFA acting) and got herself a manager and a part in a show at the Williamstown Theater Festival this summer.

Fabulous @Bromfield2, I’m sure getting jobs and parts in the theater world is tough.

My academic nephew earned a true walk-on spot on his nationally ranked Div 1 baseball team and he has pitched twice (2 innings, no runs) this season. Pretty amazing for a skinny classic brainiac to get up there with recruited players and make the grade. So impressed with his work ethic and dedication to making this happen.

^^ I hope you’ll be cheering for him in the College World Series next month! Congratulations to your nephew!

I will, for sure! Thanks!

The scholarship hunt has begun! DD20 awarded her first $s via a book award. Not enough to make the school affordable but grateful for the confidence booster!

Three years ago I was thrilled to be running a mile. Last year a “long run” for me was 3-4 miles. This morning I ran 6.2 miles ( 10k) with no walk breaks- at age 62.

@FallGirl are you going to sign up for a 5K race?

@CaMom13 the Cubs have a starting pitcher that graduated from Dartmouth. They call him the professor. There is something about baseball, pitching, and the brain that attracts the intelligent ones.

@bajamm - I have done several 5k’s and a few 10k’s (running but with a few breaks).
My goal is to run a 10 miler this fall.

We watched our son graduate and commission from West Point on Saturday, formally stepping into The Long Gray Line. My mother and I hooked his 2nd LT shoulder boards to his new, dark blue uniform. He looked stunning and oh, so all grown up. He has achieved his goal of becoming a Cyber officer in the U.S. Army. We are so proud of him.

Congrats to ChoatieSon! Saw the video of the WP grads throwing the hats. You should be so very proud of him @ChoatieMom .

Thank you, @ChoatieMom, to your son AND to your family. Congratulations!

Congrats to many including @ChoatieMom and @Bromfield2,

Patting myself on the back for encouraging and guiding my daughter to negotiate for a higher salary on a new job offer. She was reticent to do so, as so many people are, especially females. Surveys show that 68% of women do not negotiate salaries vs 52% of men. The company came back and adjusted their offer to the high point in her range. Great positive feedback/reinforcement on valuing one’s worth and advocating for oneself that I hope will spark a lifetime of doing so. Please encourage your daughters - and sons - to do the same!

Our DD came over for dinner last night after turning in, signed, sealed, and delivering her thesis. Graduation on the 16th. We are so proud of her, it took her six years for this PhD. She worked really hard for it.
She is taking a month off traveling (partly with us, another brag!) and then will look for a job. Wonder where she will wind up and what she will do for the world when she lands.

The son may have done the “commencement walk” along the banks of the Oklahoma River with his teammates on Saturday instead of the banks of the Charles River on Thursday, but he is indeed official. The diploma he brought home yesterday confirms it! He begins his job with a MLB franchise Monday. What a journey it has been. Ever grateful! #RollCrim

My son fulfilling a life’s ambition doing the play by play commentary for a nationally broadcast MLB minor league game.

Best summer internship experience ever.

“Dad it’s not a job I am going to baseball games”. So proud kid!

@Nocreativity1 Wow ! What an honor and great dream to have come true. Speaks to his talent and hard work as well. Good parents as well.

Shawson closed his Series A investment round with some very well regarded VCs. Hiring 35 people over the next few months.