The Bragging Thread

So awesome, @FallGirl !! ? ??

So proud of my dog for being so well behaved and quiet this Halloween. Usually heā€™s a barking lunatic but tonight heā€™s been amazing. Go doggie!

D1 finally got her Ph.D and just published a college textbook!

D2 passed the Bar Exam, is finishing her MBA, has accepted a job offer with a good salary and will soon be off the parent dole. Light is at the end of the tunnel!

@romanigypsyeyes , wow! Link it when itā€™s published.

Two months in, ChoatieLT was plucked from the 11-month Cyber BOLC (Basic Officer Leadership Course=Death by PowerPoint) for a job with the Defense Digital Service under one of his former mentors from West Point. He will spend the first two weeks in January onboarding at the Pentagon, then working on a project in a real office in Augusta (no more days at Ft. Gordon). He gets a raise and gets to wear civilian clothes (woo hoo!). Heā€™s happy and excited by the prospect of real cyber work. We are thrilled for him.

D20 was just voted ā€œBest Smileā€ which will show up in the school yearbook next year. Those dimples came in handyā€¦

^^^^^^^I love dimples!!! (says a mom of a kid with dimples) :smile:

I love that your school has a ā€œbest smile award,ā€ @socaldad2002 .

Kiddo is having a great week - got 100% on PChem exam AND first choice physician shadowing over winter break!

Yay! Gave my presentation at a national summit and it was well-received. Now I can enjoy the rest of the conference and the yummy New Orleans food!

First job offer for my son is not too shabby

My daughter was offered a great job after moving to San Francisco. She says she doesnā€™t always get an interview (for health care jobs, you submit resumes into the black hole of HR personnel systems and you donā€™t always hear anything) but every time she has gotten an interview, she has received a job offer. She has all the technical competence and then some but she has an effervescent personality and lights up the room when she enters (assuming sheā€™s in a good mood). I suspect that when people meet her, they want to have her on the team.

Had a very I interesting info session with researchers in which I suggested they use two internationally approved scaling measures instead of trying to use arbitrary %s in evaluating Rx preferences. I think they were very grateful for my suggestions.

He did it! After 9 long years, he just passed for his PhD!!!

^^^^ WONDERFUL @bookworm !!!

Great news @bookworm!!!

Thank you both. It was a tough 2 hours to watch it on line, and the last half hour wasnā€™t aired. My son has ridden a roller coaster with,multiple projects and advisers, but he persevered. I told him he has more grit than anyone I have ever met

Congratulations @bookworm. Nine years. Sounds like an extraordinary roller coaster. Glad it is over.

My oldest recently got a permanent job offerā€“she was working on a contract basis for three months. Sheā€™s now the COO of the governing body of the sport in which she competed for many years. Itā€™s a great fit for her.

OMG. Thks all. My son just would not give up. He kept retooling his Google project from 4 years ago, and added 2+ more. On a public forum, I will never disclose the pain he has lived thru. OTOH, he has people that offered support and encouragement.

It may sound trite, but my parents were WWII Air Force. I have the utmost respect for vets. I believe their courage passed thru to their grandson, who has been so strong.

He has had one interview with a top AI company ( which he got an offer) , and a few others lined up. So difficult to chose between a major hitter vs several start ups. Clearly, he will be moving to the Bay Area/SV. Darn the awful time disparities for PC (phone calls) and the real estate prices.

Its a fun place to visit, @bookworm!