The Bragging Thread

Perhaps we should invest in a 1 bedroom, for Jym, Shaw, and myself.

Not a kid brag-- but a personal one. I just got a national volunteer award for youth sports.

My son moved to the Bay area last fall. It is definitely fun to visit! @bookworm Congrats to your son! Perseverance must be his middle name! I would have died if my dissertation defense had been available to watch anywhere. I guess there was a positive to graduating in the 80s!

My dear daughter, who got her B.S. in May 2018, started working the following Monday as a patient care technician on a medical unit in a community hospital. She studied for 2 hours every day after work (whatever the shift) for the MCAT and made a decent score. Did the application for D.O.s, applying to 13 schools. She got one outright rejection, and 11 requests for supplementary information. She hopes to submit the last 5 this weekend, and then we wait to see who wants to interview her. I am so proud of her! And I would never, ever, ever in a million years have predicted that she wants to do primary care with a specialization in geriatrics. She’s such a grownup!

Kiddo #1 was in a freak accident and badly broke her leg mid-semester. Surgery/ long hospital stay + 2 weeks missed classes + wheelchair + had to move into new housing + etc etc. This all happened mid-semester and right in the middle of junior recruiting for summer internships (economics/finance).

She is a tough kid-- has caught up on coursework, aced her midterms, and did case interviews from bed (Skype) and later in wheelchair, all while taking some pretty heavy painkillers… And she has 2 really great job offers-- from a big4 consulting firm and from an esteemed economics research firm. One of these was her first choice from the beginning, and she hopes to stay with them after graduation.

Yay! Go kiddo 1 !!

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For the very first time in my 71-year-old life, I have dental and vision insurance from my job starting January 1.

My DS2 was just invited to the 2020 MLB draft!

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D2 has been working at her current position since October 2017. She just received a huge promotion and a 25% salary increase along with several months of back pay.

Such great news all around! Congrats to all!

My youngest is a first semester freshman and is spoiled by his mother (the youngest of 8 in her family). His older sisters rarely, if ever, ask for money in college. Why on earth did I assume he’d be just like them when he got to campus?

He texted me last night for $.

I checked how much I transferred to him in the past 30 days and realized some tough love was in order. I just visited him and spent a bunch at Walmart with him too.

I texted him back, “No, deal with it.”

I did it!!!

Now, I need to come up with a monthly number and make him stick to it.


He could get a job to earn some spending money…then you can come back and do a brag about his new job, and financial independence for spending money!

@thumper1 “He could get a job to earn some spending money…”

Funny, you should mention that. My next text to him was to

  1. find a professor to do research or be a TA for (his big sister did that),
  2. the placement office is a fantastic place to work (because he can’t help but spend time thinking careers there), or
  3. if on-campus fails, start with one shift at any of the local restaurants
    (he’s hosted/waited tables for years and I saw plenty of restaurants and food chains right across from his dorm. Must be 30 within a 5 minute walk}.

He’s actually very resourceful when he needs to be. I caught him with a ton of money in 8th grade and thought the worst. Here he was buying hard to get sneakers online and selling them to kids at school at a nice markup. I said, “Where is all the inventory? Isn’t that a problem?” He said, “No, I only do pre-orders and get the cash upfront, so I am not stuck with a size 11.”

He thought he was in huge trouble. I almost hired him on the spot.

D2 was just accepted to her first choice DPT program!! So happy for her.

@lvvcsf congratulations to your daughter!

So funny - D2’s picture is on her grad school web page. Everyone who applies to PhD in her college will see it. This is third time her picture’s been used. LOL. First was for annual giving page of her UG school after she was in a thank you video for capital campaign. Second for her master program divinity school annual giving. Now this. She laughingly wondered if this makes her an influencer. If only we could monetize!

So proud of my son, currently in his final semester of high school.

He has written four research papers while in school. Earlier this week he learned that the first paper he wrote has been accepted for publication in an Elsevier peer-review research journal. Another paper has passed peer-review and is awaiting a final decision. And just today, he learned that the latest paper he wrote was selected for Regeneron STS.

It’s been a good week for him.

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Congrats to you and your son, @hebegebe!

Thank you @doschicos. It’s the home stretch for him and I want him to enjoy the rest of senior year. He’s earned the break.

@hebegebe – your son sounds amazing!

A bit of bragging of my own. My son had a bumpy road to adulthood. (Left college after a nervous breakdown.) Next week he starts his first “real” job - in IT support. Training, health insurance, dental and even vision plans. A major international company, so in theory lots of opportunities. He’s been working full time for the past 4 years, since he dropped out - and he’s done well in every job he’s had - but this is his first benefits-and-401k position that might take him places.

So for those of you who have children bumped off the college track and into the road-less-traveled – there is hope.