The Bragging Thread

great news!

D passed the first of her three comp exams in her PhD program.

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Minor brag here, DS20 was convinced he got a B in a DE class last semester and has been a funk thinking he was the only kid in the family to make a B while in high school, unfortunately my kids are very academically competitive with each other.

He had to request a transcript from the CC for a program he applied for this summer and it turns out he got an A after all! Time to remind him he wonā€™t be the first kid in the family to make a B when he goes off to collegeā€¦

Donā€™t hate on me too much but I can actually still fit in the same size socks that I wore when I was 16.

@hebegebe - wow, I just saw your post, your son is amazing! Does he know where heā€™s going next year or still waiting?

Just got a text from the head of JROTC that DD won the brigade scholarship for the year. It sounded sort of familliar, so I looked back and found sheā€™d won it last year too!

Thank you. He received a likely letter from one of the HYPS colleges. Other applications are in the pipeline, but heā€™s already thrilled.

@hebegebe, congratulations.

D just found out that she scored enough points in o chem that she already has an A and doesnā€™t need to take the final exam. Prof sent her a nice note congratulating her and telling her how proud he is of her effort. Sheā€™s over the moon excited :slight_smile: Looking forward to p chem next semester.

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^^ Congrats to your daughter @momofsenior1 This must be such a relief for her, although I am sure she will do well on the final regardless. I have a BS in chemistry and I thought O chem by far was the hardest course Iā€™ve taken. P chem was so easy compared to O chem. Your daughter should be proud!

My daughter is taking O chem as well. Although the absolute score doesnā€™t look as impressive because they curve everything at Cal, but she is currently on target for an A. I donā€™t think anyone is exempt from taking the final, though I could be wrong.

As far as ā€œbraggingā€, my daughter said some time ago, that the fact that she is taking O Chem from professor Vollhardt, that is something worth bragging :slight_smile: This guy is a legend!

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You knowā€¦i forgot to post this here!

My DD matched to her first choice residency program in emergency medicine. She is beyond excited.

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Seriously? I didnā€™t even know you had one in med school! Good for her! Sheā€™s going to be very busy.

@Nhatrang Thank you! She is very excited. Especially with the profā€™s note. She adores him and I think would like to work in his lab at some point. O chem was my worst undergrad class and I was lucky to squeak by and pass. My D adores everything chemistry.

@thumper1 - Whooo hooo! Congrats to your D!

Had a technical discussion with my S and realized I was totally out of my depth. Niiiiiiiiice!

Just got done cutting Hā€™s hair and I didnā€™t do a bad job.

My D texted last week that she has won an award. She is is a 4th year med student, set to graduate in May.

She is to be awarded one of the 2020 US Public Health Service Excellence in Public Health Awards. I am not sure how they will be presented this year.

Congratulations @bajamm ! Thatā€™s terrific.

Yes @bajamm, that is worth bragging about.

Kiddo who is following an unconventional career path and who has done a great job of pursuing real world experience for that passion, landed a new job this week doing exactly what they want to do, during a pandemic no less. The job was offered on the spot during the interview as the business owner was impressed by the hard to find experience/skill set, especially in one so young. Keep blazing your own trail and learning, child of mine!

ChoatieLTā€™s training cohort of new officers had to report to post for (distanced and masked) formation today for an equipment check. The entire class showed up wearing the camo masks I had sent a couple of weeks ago. Leadership was impressed by the adherence and uniformity and sent a shout out to our son and his mom ā€œfor being the real MVP with these masks.ā€ Now leadership wants to know where they can get more of them. :slight_smile: