The Bragging Thread

I’m proud of my son, who managed to get a great internship set up for this summer. I’m even prouder that he is attempting a fairly large car repair himself, because doing it at the garage was going to cost about $2000. His fingernails are going to be black for at least a month I reckon.


This is slightly dated but I am proud that on the morning of January 2nd, the first words that my now often grumpy D22 uttered to me was, “How were the bowl games?” (We live in the UK so some US college football games are played at quite a late hour for us.)

My efforts over the years to ever so gently Americanize my UK-born and bred daughter haven’t been in vain. :grinning:


This is starting out to be my (adult) d’s year!

Her artwork was selected out of 73 submissions for the 50th anniversary of the Dana Point Festival of Whales! This is such an honor and a serious push for an artist! Past winners have included Wyland and John Van Hamersveld - don’t know that name? He’s the artist that did the poster for The Endless Summer, The Beatles Magical Mystery Tour, The Rolling Stones Exile on Main Street and almost 300 other album covers!

She’s earmarked the prize money to put towards a new sewing machine & serger that she needs for her costume design program she starts in the fall. But the exposure is what she is really after!


When my daughter was younger, the school “implied” that she was struggling and not at the level academically, like the others. Over time, she developed a work-ethic that went beyond my greatest expectations. She realized if she gave things more time, she could be a top student. Now that she has gotten into all her colleges, mostly with sizable merit scholarships, I glow with pride because I know she overcame a hardship and developed a work ethic that should translate to her future objectives.


The son’s work and value were recognized by the team. He get’s a World Series ring!!


With the Dana Point Festival of Whales right around the corner my daughter’s phone has been ringing off the hook. She’s had several high-profile interviews, and so far 4 amazing print articles, including one from FIDM, which she doesn’t even start until the fall. The artist (Robert) Wyland (famous for his whales and sea-life murals) has even contacted her, which she said was a mind blow! He loves her “psychedelic whales” - she got to tell him that they met when she was 9 and he signed a poster for her…at the Festival of Whales. I’ve always known my daughter was artistic, but this is something special.


SIL had a great day yesterday - he was offered a new role (promotion) at work and a place on the board of a non profit . He had been hoping for both.


In appreciation of my involvement in her college application process (quite successful), my daughter designed, ordered, and gave me the following teacup. I am sure many CC parents (and their children) can fully relate.


After 18 months, which encompassed his wedding and a complete shutdown of their entire city for months, S2 was offered a job today!!! One of the places he interviewed at months ago, but didn’t get the job, saved his info and called last week to re-interview for a new position, and they offered it to him today! Yay for persistence, getting some free training, working Fiverr jobs, and staying calm!! Woooo!


@patsmom I’ve been doing that a lot myself recently. Amazing what you can find on youtube and it always makes me wonder who creates all this content. Really phenomenal. I’ve fixed my dishwasher, dryer, and AC numerous times this way. Wouldn’t describe myself as handy but these videos explain things very well. Then it’s about having the tools and taking the time. Actually becoming sort of fun.


The tickets I bought yesterday went up $100 today! Surely they’ll drop again, and probably lower than what I paid, but at least for today I can feel good!


D’s hard work paid off! Recommended by graduate faculty for admission to the master’s program she applied to. Only 10 offered admission. Graduate in 3 years, compete 4th year as a grad student and graduate debt free. So so proud!! :tada: :partying_face:


I am literally in (happy) tears! Adult D who has been out of college for about 8 years now applied and has been accepted into an advanced degree program at FIDM for costume design for film & tv (her initial degree was fashion design but she has always wanted to design costumes). It’s a one year program, and she was prepared to go into debt (again) for the loan(s) as the connections would have made it “worth it” (to her). She submitted 8 pieces for a long-shot scholarship (one only for her department) and we’ve been sitting waiting as patiently as possible to hear if she’s a finalist (finalists get a zoom meeting critique with the department chair, etc.) - yesterday afternoon she came to me, in tears, and mouthed something, but no words came out of her mouth. I asked her to repeat, and again, no words, but just mouthed something and tears (she, unlike her mother, isn’t a crier) so I went over and put my arms around her, and asked “what’s wrong?” she quietly told me “I won” - I asked “won what?” (seriously I had no idea what she was on about), “the scholarship” - no interview, no critique, a simple phone call “it was clear, you were the first place winner for the scholarship” - this is a fully paid program scholarship that now allows her to concentrate on her craft, and because she’s been saving for 2 years, she doesn’t “have” to work and do the program.

Proud is an understatement. Now we start combing apartments for rent in Los Angeles and find her a place that she can be comfortable, happy and creative. Program starts in early October, so there’s no rush, but she’d like to be settled by mid-summer.


Outstanding!! Congrats to your daughter.


Congratulations to you daughter! This thread makes me happy each time I see a new post.


Next stop - the Oscars!! :slight_smile: :movie_camera:


Awesome. Fantastic. Amazing!!


I’m doing an annual fundraising (10th year) and this year I’ll have my record amount! I made Bernie with mitten doll and Dr Fauci doll for a donation prize and people jumped on it. So grateful and proud.


@JustaMom, I’ve been following your D’s journey (I’m also a sewist and have made costumes), and I’m so excited for her!!! Three cheers for sticking to her dreams and believing in her potential. What a relief to get into the program and win the scholarship, and I hope she is able to broaden her network in the process!


@CountingDown That’s so sweet, thank you! I have always believed that art and creative passions are not to be shunned, but instead to be revered - isn’t that why many of us travel the world and find ourselves in museums, go to the theater or concerts and more? Cheers to creative pursuits!