The Bragging Thread

My son is taking an Elections Analytics class and one of their assignments was to predict each state’s outcome in terms of the Presidential race. It looks like he will end up calling 48 out of 50 states correctly, plus the 2nd district of Nebraska!

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@hebegebe : Which are the other two states ?

Florida and North Carolina.

Our S recently accepted a full-time position that starts in 2021. But I have to drop a brag on the success he had during the process.

He interviewed with 6 companies (4 west coast, 2 east coast) and handled the multiple code tests and behavioral interviews with maturity and poise enough so that he received 6 offers!

After closer examination of the job specifics he narrowed it down to two offers (both on west coast) and entered negotiations on the pay packages (both included base pay, yearly bonus, equity, signing bonus, 401k, and health). Both moved north on the pay packages and both very close to the same overall.

In the end he chose a very innovative Silicon Valley company where he’ll be doing the work he loves in a location he loves. Bravo son!


Our SIL starts his new job last week. So far, he says it’s interesting, the coworkers are great, and he has a good amount to accomplish. The job is exactly what he was looking for.


A good 24hrs here.

Older D got a job offer above Purdue’s MechE average in a low-cost area of the country. She reached out to the company she interned for last summer, as the first has a tight acceptance deadline, and they said an offer should be to her today.

This morning, younger D got her SAT score from 2 weekends ago - 780/800.


Damn, we’re good. We’re all above average!

Seriously, those are some amazing accomplishments.

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Son has been promoted from 2nd LT to 1st LT and has passed a technical certification exam that increases his pay by $1K/mo above the raise for the rank promotion. Merry Christmas early, son! Well done.


Congrats to your son @ChoatieMom! (and go Army, beat Navy!)

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Proud Moment #1: With so many professional sports teams laying off staff and downsizing, having the son receive a contract this week for next year was cause for a big celebration. His hard work was definitely noticed and rewarded. Great job son!

Proud Moment #2: Daughter starting off junior year on fire just like she ended sophomore year. Took her last final Tuesday and confirmed another 4.0 this semester today! So proud of my girl!


D1 (BS Nutrition Cum Laude - SJSU: 2020) Just sent her first grad school application

D2 (BA Sociology - UC Berkeley: 2020) Got a job during Covid & sending first grad school apps next month

S: CCC TAG accepted to UC Davis, applying to UCD and UCSC + two or three CSUs

We are the poster family for CCC and then transfer to the best program you want. And yes, we had THREE kids in college at the same time.


DD17 was a finalist for 2 prestigious national/international graduate fellowships and won one of them! She has a cool internship next semester related to her current masters degree and a full time job with a top firm when she returns to the US after completing her fellowship. Not bad for a state flagship student. :wink:


My DH snuck into my work-from-home office and sharpened all my pencils, and hid a Hershey bar under the keyboard. I loved him anyway, but he really is a keeper


I’ve never repaired an appliance in my life but I was finally moved to try this week. Our refrigerator needed a new main control board and my local repair place said it was going to cost over $500 to fix (the part alone was over $400). Buying a new fridge wasn’t even a consideration because we’re moving in a couple of months and won’t be taking the fridge with us.

I found the part on Amazon for $300 and watched a few Youtube videos. The fix was simple. Took me 10 minutes and I saved $200! :moneybag: :wrench: :electric_plug:


My son, college class of 2018, got a great job out of college and now he’s moving to an even better job. Well done!


My kids just inherited a huge sum of money ( obviously NOT the brag). They didn’t know they would be inheriting directly. . DD2 ( a nurse) reaction to hearing news “ Ok. I really need to go and tell my friend I can pull an extra shift for her if she doesn’t feel well after the vaccine.” After I told her that was nice of her ‘Well I could use the money” And when I said “ you understand what I just told you about the money?” She said “ I mean that’s for a house or retirement so nothing that affects me now.” Her dad and I are proud she’s so sensible. The attorney for the estate asked if we were concerned the kids would have so much at such a young age. No. That’s the “brag”


Our daughter finished her 1st semester of college with all 'A’s. We are so proud of how well she did in such a challenging environment this past fall! Watching her grow and start to really come into her own has been a highlight of this year.

We also finished refinancing our mortgage to a 2% rate while not increasing the length of our loan! Never thought to see rates this low, grateful to be able to take advantage.


So very proud of our daughter. She persevered through some difficult medical issues and passed her NAVLE exam, (veterinary license exam). Now to finish her last 4 months of vet school. Hope they will be able to have a graduation ceremony this year.


If my memory serves me correctly my D said P-Chem for Chem Es was like a survey course in quantum mechanics. If it’s the same professor (I don’t remember the name) she said pay attention to the power points. The test questions were all related to them. Great job and good luck!

D LOVED p chem! She finished it up last month :). So far she hasn’t had a chem e or pure chemistry class she didn’t enjoy.

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