The Bragging Thread

ahh thank you :(( it means a lot

Last semester as an undergrad finished as spectacularly as the former two. One A- that, as she said, ā€œmessed up my third semester with a perfect 4.0 mommyā€. ā€œSeniorā€ year being a varsity student-athlete/1st year of grad school, here she comes!!


On the road to Stanfordā€™s commencement ceremony. Just passed San Dimas- heinous dude.


Party on dudes.

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Itā€™s a beautiful morning in Palo Alto and weā€™re all set for the commencement ceremony! Robe is pressed and we think weā€™ve figured out the hood (engineering orange).


Going to do a big bragā€¦

D1 - Just got accepted to USC (University of Southern California) MPH program! She was a May '20 grad (first class of ZoomU that took 7 years to get her BS from SJSU, graduated with honors, is on the spectrum)
D2 - Getting in the groove in her first quarter of her Masters Higher Ed (Penn State), also a May '20 BA UC Berkeley (UCB) / ZoomU grad
S - Starts UCB in January as a deferred transfer from CC

All three of our kids started their college careers at California Community Colleges - I canā€™t promote this track enough - It works!


At 20, I was lost and had no clue what I was going to do with my life. My D, at 20, has a life plan. She pursued a difficult to get paid internship and she got it. Which sheā€™s loving. And just a couple of days ago shared that sheā€™s going to try to get into the 5 year Masters program at her school because sheā€™ll be better qualified for her career. Then, some time down the road, sheā€™d like to get her PhD. Iā€™m impressed with her drive. And, of course, very proud of her.


My D18 daughter was accepted to Stanford, Brown, and Columbia in the US and Oxford in the UK. Decided to go to Oxford as she wanted a change of scenery after 4 years of an intensely competitive HS. I was concerned that she was passing on the great US opportunities to study in a foreign country with a different (and tougher) education system and unclear job prospects.

Three years later, she made tons of friends, graduated with very good grades, and landed a job in a top economic consultancy in London which she starts in September. And it cost $100k less. Most importantly, she is excited and happy with her life. Does not want to come back.


D1, who just finished her postdoc Fellowship, learned today that she is about to be published for the 50th time in a research journal.

I have been published zero times, so she didnā€™t inherit this talent from me. :smiley:


What is her field?

obligatory not a parent, but i have nowhere to put this. i got all 5s on my AP exams today !! i took APUSH, AP Lang, and AP Chinese. i entirely didnā€™t expect the APUSH since only 8% of people got a 5 and we were virtual the entire year. less so but still applicable for lang, 11% got a 5, i had a tough (but good) teacher, and she wasnā€™t rly accustomed to virtual learning.


$240,000 merit scholarship, well done kid


Clinical psychology.

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Holy Moly! Good job, kid, and time for parents to celebrate!

Not sure if this qualifies for this thread.

Just learned that one of my nieces was the homecoming queen of a major Southern public university which helped lead her into a successful career in Washington DC & in NYC. She has arranged interviews with every living US President. Impressive. (I would be even more impressed if she had arranged interviews with every US President,but, due to circumstances beyond her control, that is not possible.)


Some kids just take longerā€¦had a great visit with my nephew . Heā€™s in his early 30s and has been all over the place with very little direction. Graduated on time with a double major but never did the hard work of networking to find a decent job. Worked at several places that didnā€™t require any formal education. Bounced around a lot. Dabbled with drugs. Got involved in really bad relationships.

A few yrs ago after some real soul searching decided to become a nurse. Went back to school and graduated near the top of his class. Worked in a hospital for a yr and is now working full time in a practice and considering best next steps.

He asked if he could meet to discuss financial matters as he was thinking about his future. He came prepared with a budget, investment goal, some ideas, etc.

Took a long time, but heā€™s finally on a good track. Very proud of him.


Please, allow me this moment of indulgenceā€¦ :grin: Son finished his HS career with 5ā€™s in all Social Studies APā€™s. Took all of them, except for AP Psych. Proud mama! :heart:


DS successfully defended his dissertation in physics. It was done via zoom so DH and I were able to attend. I was in tears when the committee came back and declared him Doctor Sonā€™s Name.

He is off to a postdoc now.


How many years did in the PhD program ?

6 years. 10 years total in college! Although the time in grad school is mostly research.