The Bragging Thread

Proud Papa. As my eldest D approached her 2020 college graduation, Covid scrapped her specific employment plans, which was such a bummer. She tried to turn the lemons into lemonade by staying on another year at Vanderbilt for a Masters in Marketing. She accepted a junior associate position at surprisingly good pay with a 6 year old fast-growing online brand company that she had interned with. She certainly stirred the pot with her knowledge, skillset and focus on profits. Fast-forward two months into the first job of her career and my D is now ā€œBrand and Product Marketing Managerā€.


Fair warning, if youā€™re tired of me ā€˜braggingā€™ about my adult Ds achievements, youā€™re not gonna wanna keep readingā€¦ :wink:

The advanced degree program sheā€™s to start in Oct in costume design for film and tv has been doing a warm up of sorts for the past 2 weeks, sketching with prompts and submitting them. Wednesday she recā€™d a private message from the department chair ā€œJustaMomā€™s D - you have mad illustration skills. I wonder if you might be interested in joining the Costume Designers Guild as an illustrator and jumping in early to the film world? With your ok, Iā€™d like to send your costume portfolio to (insert world renowned costume concept designerā€™s name here) and see what they recommend for you.ā€

Needless to say she said ā€œyes, extremely interested, and feel free to share my costume portfolio with anyone in the industry and beyondā€

The person who sent the message is an Emmy Award holder and past president of the guild (this is the Screen Actors Guild of the costuming world) and the world renowned costume concept designer has their designs in everything from The Greatest Showman to every Marvel film made to date, and everything in between. This is the real deal. This isnā€™t ā€œIā€™m gonna make you a starā€, this is ā€œthis is what you want to become legit in this fieldā€

I have told D I will cough up the initial fees to join the guild (it ainā€™t cheap, but is a necessary tool for her). Then I told my boss ā€œIā€™m probably gonna need a hefty raise soonā€ - one day I hope to be interviewed about D and will share the story about how she used to make clothes for her Jasmine and Aladdin dolls - but she was only 6, so used scotch tape to hold them together because she didnā€™t even know how to use a stapler then, let alone a sewing machineā€¦ :rofl:


All 3 of our adult kids are gainfully employed in their chosen fields as of this afternoon. Itā€™s been a longer road for some than others, and they are in various stages of adulting, but they are all on their way.



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While I was watching the gymnasts, i commented on what a good field for someone to enter. Those outfits ar amazing, and $$$$

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My daughter has gotten every single scholarship she has applied to so far for this year. I knew she was a great writer but itā€™s pretty amazing to see that her writing is literally paying off. She also got into her honors college after the official deadline had passed. She can whip up amazing essays in a matter of minutes. I love reading them all. I get an even closer glimpse as to what makes her special.


Itā€™s interesting that you mention the gymnasts and their outfits - by chance there is a Cirque School just up the street from my D and she is already in touch with several students there to create/design some costuming for them, as well as do so onsite sketching while they work.


One group last night had an outfit that was pink, midway through their routine they released the top to reveal a blue outfit (and the pink outfit became the underside skirt of the blue outfit.)

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So proud of my girl! Another year on the Womenā€™s Collegiate Gymnastics Associationā€™s Scholastic All-American list! :nerd_face:


My youngest passed Step 3!


One of my mentees received an offer from an MBB consulting firm from a regional school many on CC would look down on! Iā€™m super excited for him!!! He took a full ride at the regional for financial reasons (upon my advice), made the most of the opportunities available to him, and put in the work for the MBB opportunity. I love working with driven students trying to break into traditionally prestige-focused industries. :slight_smile:


HE WENT ON A SECOND DATE WITH HER!! Is that brave, or what.


Son just received the results of his German placement test. Took French in HS since school didnā€™t offer German. Started studying on his own, had very little help, took the test and just found out he got placed into the second-year program! No tutors, no teachers. The smile on his face was priceless! Itā€™s so rewarding to see his hard work pay off! :heart_eyes:


My D and her H just bought a beautiful home (with no help from parents) in NJ ā€“ about an hour away from H and myself. They have worked hard and saved for this ā€“ weā€™re excited for them and so proud of them. Hereā€™s hoping they have many many healthy and happy years in their new home.


That is terrific!!


Gotta say, I love listening to my son when he preaches at his church. Livestreaming internet is a wonderful thing!


Found out by reading about another athlete winning an award that D was inducted into the National College Athlete Honor Society, Chi Alpha Sigma well over a few weeks ago. Well done kiddo! And yes, your mom is going to post it somewhere, even if you canā€™t see it. :wink:


My sports obsessed kid who always told me he wouldnā€™t ever take a job unless it was something he really loved doing just landed a job that will get him to be at the Super Bowl, World Series and NBA Allstar game, etcā€¦

So much for Dadā€™s admonishment ā€œyou will see that in the real worldā€¦ā€

He is getting paid to by a part of things he would of happily paid to be a part of.

Nice job kid!!


Iā€™m going to brag on myself. My 7 yo washer wasnā€™t draining; I checked the obvious suspects and nothing worked. It wouldā€™ve cost $250-300 to get the drain pump replaced, so I ordered a new one from Amazon for $30. I took the washer apart today and installed it; so far, so good. You really can teach an old dog new tricks. Thank you Youtube! :crossed_fingers: I put all the drains back on tight


Iā€™m going to brag about myself for a second (Iā€™m not a parent, but Iā€™m just super excited)!

So far, Iā€™ve gotten into 2 fly-in programs. The first one was Caltech Up Close, which was a HUGE surprise! Iā€™m so excited to attend and learn more about Caltech.

And, just a few minutes ago, I got an email telling me I got accepted to Harvey Mudd FAST!! These acceptances are making me feel so much more confident in my abilities as a future CS student. Ahh!