The Bragging Thread

Advantage of being old😀 and growing up near where his career was launched.


I went to high school with Billy Joel. In fact, I was in chorus with him. He would have graduated a year after me, with my brother.


So, do you have any memory of his choral abilities in HS, or anything else of note?

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no, not really. It was a huge high school, and I graduated in 1966, a long time ago!


D23 got a full-ride at a state directional. At the dinner table we were talking about sports scholarships and I was telling the family most sports don’t give full-rides outside of football and basketball. D23 finally has started to realize how special it is that she won the scholarship.



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Congrats to your daughter!


Congrats, fantastic accomplishment for D23 and your family!

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A very niche brag, but my son is the youngest person ever recommended by his agency for SWAT Tactical Emergency Medical Support(TEMS) and Tactical Emergency Casualty Care(TECC) certification. He’ll spend a full week this fall immersed in the realm of SWAT operations, learning to provide critical emergency care during dangerous, high stress situations. The agency will pay for the training and compensate him for his time spent there.


On Sunday D and SIL hosted a family party – the first casual family party since covid. We all thought only local family would come and there would be about 20 people – but to everyone’s (happy) surprise the family turned out in force with people traveling from all over the country to come. In the end, D and SIL ended up hosting a group of close to 40 – ranging in age from 95 to one. D and SIL were excited and proud to have family to their beautiful home and they did an absolutely fantastic job – great food, drinks, outdoor games etc.

S pitched in by renting a SUV and driving a number of out-of-town guests from NYC (where many were staying) to D and SIL’s house in the suburbs for the party.

I’m so proud of all my children. <3


8 years ago I paid $4,400 for a parcel of land and just sold it for $76,000.


When your S casually mentions that his base pay just got increased and has broken the $260k barrier - Nice…And at a job that he loves…Nicer :+1:


When my D was admitted to her first choice college several years ago, along with her admission letter she received a note from the Associate Director of Admissions that said something like “We loved your application. Because it was submitted early and so good, we are using it to train our new application readers”

Fast forward to today, and one of my D’s friends now works in the admission office. She told my D that they are still using her application to train new application readers!


My SIL was offered an endowed chair in his subject/research area at a major university in the Mid-Atlantic region. He will be a tenured full professor. He will be responsible for shaping the direction of the university’s research program in this field over the next decade+, for hiring 5 new professors in the next 3 years and overseeing a budget that makes my head swim.

Oh, and his salary? Higher than what his current employer, a FAANG company, is paying him.

So… we’re moving from the west coast to the east coast next summer.


D2 is finally in last year of PhD and is teaching undergrads this year. In the fall as graduate assistant and in spring with a solo class. Other teaching has been masters students. She also has gotten approval to put on a small conference in the spring with a friend. All while applying for post docs or teaching positions. And fall class is freshman writing seminar on religion and sci fi so a fun class


Not really bragging, but close enough.

We’re surrounded by free and nearly free fresh food.

Dungeness crab: During season we harvest up to 10 per day, and give most away.
Oysters: We have our own oyster beds with about 1500 growing at any time.
Blackberries: It’s incredible; we just went out and picked about 3 gallons without making a dent in the supply. Seemingly endless.
Our garden: Kale, arugula, tomatoes, artichokes, peas, garlic, cherries, apples, apricots, grapes, squash, and more.

I’m so happy we live where we do.


Where do you live? Which part of the country, and I presume, fairly rural? How much land do you have? All the free, fresh food sound great (though a productive garden as you apparently have takes effort and typically some $).

When civilization collapses and food becomes scarce, I will be knocking on your door.