The Bragging Thread

<p>I love this thread. Congratulations to everyone sharing good news!
Pugmadkate, great start to your future teaching career! Good luck with your next exam!</p>

<p>My brag…DD has two full scholarships from the same college. One academic and the other athletic. She also interviewed for a local scholarship and got it! Unbeknownst to us, someone on the interview panel knew DH professionally and emailed him. He was impressed with her maturity. That was also how we found out she interviewed…</p>

<p>TTT- what great news. The school acceptance is just one way her progress is manifest. So good to feel that forward momentum when a child has struggled and had to work their way back. It makes parents so appreciative. Nothing gets taken for granted.</p>

<p>So much good news here. It is refreshing.</p>

<p>I am so proud of my s who just received a wonderful job offer for what he describes as his dream job. He worked hard through HS and his top LAC and this job as a research economist is ideal for him.</p>

<p>Yay, myturnnow’s S and justamom’s D! Stories of employment after college are very encouraging for all of us!</p>

<p>And remember, even if they don’t come right away… they WILL come! D’s offer came 10 months after graduation. Congratulations to all for the wonderful things happening to you and yours. :)</p>

<p>S1 was accepted at one of the graduate schools he really wanted. He’s still waiting to hear from a few others, but he’s got a good, solid acceptance under his belt.</p>

<p>Phew–both S & I were able to opt out of purchasing the respective used cars each of us were considering buying. Both of us are relieved and very glad that we did!</p>

<p>I can’t help it, my son who was born with not two cents to rub together, is in a national magazine with a big award today at age 25. Thank you everyone who helped on the college journey here. He no longer plays an oboe but he is doing fine. I raised him on my own, crossed the seas to do it. Thank you Lord.</p>

<p>I, too love this thread. Bragging about surviving one more week at work is really valid! (I’m retired, but I applaud the brag)</p>

<p>My son, a former top member in the slacker son’s club, was his school’s pick to do a Chancellors meet-and-greet for prospective honors students. Both his top grades and love for his school qualified him. AND HE DID IT!?!?!!! This is the kid that threw up in 8th grade before having to do a presentation. </p>

<p>He grew and blossomed and I am bragging.</p>

<p>congrats to you and your son Veryhappy!</p>

<p>overseas, a national magazine and a big award! wow, you should be very proud…as a fellow single Mom I applaud you for all you must have done along his journey</p>

<p>esobay, don’t you love seeing the growth!</p>

<p>For all of you out there, in 2004 I didn’t know what I was doing when i joined this site. I had an oboist who was going to apply to schools in the USA. I asked for help. I haven’t left this place, as you see. He played beautifully but his second year in the USA he called and said he was going to change his major and I was at work and asked him, did you check with your advisor and I said, if they said good well good it is. I put the phone down and knew I would never hear him play his instrument again. I knew it was o.k. and I watched him mature and go to graduate school and get married. I guess what is going on now has allowed me to relax and follow my own path. But I just want to say to those of you reading this with younger students, keep up the good fight. The fight is so worth it.</p>

<p>P.S. The music is still there. I guess once a musician, always one.</p>

<p>P.S. Raising children, there is nothing more important.</p>

<p>I have lots of brag-worthy stuff going on right now!</p>

<p>-I’m going to grad school in the fall with a 16.5k stipend in my local, inexpensive area. Plus, since it’s so close I have the option of living with my parents for a while and saving stipend money to put toward my wedding.
-On that note, I’m engaged! Though it’s a little awkward when people ask about a proposal story because we don’t have one. We decided it was time to get engaged and went to the store to pick out a ring (after I did some pre-shopping).
-I just got a letter that I’m receiving two awards from the psychology department. I figured I would get one of them because it was based on GPA, but the other is an award for excellence in research that I was not expecting.
-I’m performing a solo in chorus this semester that was very sought after during auditions, and I got it over musical theater majors. Plus the song is just a blast so I’m pretty excited. </p>

<p>Plus a lesser brag: I don’t have to make up the exam I missed to go on a grad school visit, because my professor has decided to drop the lowest exam grade, doesn’t feel like writing another test, and feels confident that I will do well on the other exams. One less thing I have to worry about!</p>

<p>Big congratulations to my beautiful daughter for being inducted into Phi Beta Kappa! I am so proud of her!
And as I tell her…any extra bit to get your application to the top of the pile is great! She is a bit ambivalent, but does say if it helps get her a job she will eat her words!</p>

<p>I did not fall at curling on Sunday.</p>

<p>Oh, curling … just the fact that you curl makes you my hero! :)</p>

<p>^ How many times were you shot?</p>

<p>Congratulations, hyperJulie!!!</p>

<p>My 15 year old has a real job this summer.</p>

<p>DS had a meeting with higher level management who told him how incredibly impressed they are with his talent, and basically to select who he might want to work with/for if any organizational changes are being considered…</p>

<p>Spent today with my DS who is happily and gainfully employed full time in his chosen field (only) 9 months after graduation.</p>

<p>We transferred title of “his” old clunker into his name with insurance in his own name to boot.</p>

<p>Then for fun, I showed him the wonders of Turbotax and he filed his federal and two state tax returns. </p>

<p>Ahhh, a young man who seems thrilled to be able to take on adult responsibilities as much as his mom is happy to turn them over to him. </p>

<p>And we did enjoy some good conversation and tea together as well. Priceless.</p>