The Bragging Thread

<p>DS1 has a choice to make. He was accepted at two of his top choice graduate schools, and is on the wait-list for a third. I told him choices can be both a blessing and a curse.</p>

<p>Well, D made it official today. She will be attending a PhD program 2hrs. from home. Full funding for at least 6 years, +stipend, and 2-3 years abroad. It also offers her another thing the others don’t have, something she really wants.</p>

<p>Just had a 17-minute conversation with S2 regarding benefits at his new job. Since that is my expertise, he valued my input. :)</p>

<p>Fourteen years ago I took D to her first opera, Carmen. At intermission she said she wanted to be an opera singer so that she could sing Carmen. This weekend we traveled to hear her do just that. Sing “Les Tringles des Sistres Tintaient” from Carmen. In front of 4000 people. With a full orchestra. And get paid. And get a standing ovation.
She sang several other arias, but the Bizet really got to me(for obvious reasons).
I feel all warm and fuzzy.</p>

<p>Wow, congrats! How many kids go from wanting to sing opera to 14 years later actually getting paid to do so?!!?!? Hurrah!</p>

<p>Great to hear your good news too, to everyone else who is posting these fabulous things on this thread! It makes me happy to hear how many good things are happening all around!</p>

<p>musicamusica, that is so cool, and definitely worthy of a brag! I love that opera.</p>

<p>I love reading all the great brags!! Such nice news always appears here.</p>

Don’t spit on the floor,
Use the cuspidor,
That’s what’s it’s for!”</p>

<p>I’ve played that opera, it’s a blast. :D</p>

<p>Congrats, musicamusica! Carmen’s a great role.</p>

<p>Musicamerica, major congrats!!!</p>

<p>So cool, musicamusica!</p>

<p>My Ds has an official start date for his job after graduation!! Woo hoo, both will be officially launched! And, another brag. This same DS actually asked for my help with something (for someone else actually). He has been fiercely independent, so to ask/let me help with something is a brag as far as I am concerned. Better yet, I had a few leads for the friend. I hope it works out!!</p>


Glad I’m not the only one that sees her name like this. :D</p>

<p>^^ Ha! I looked and shocked myself…I feel more than a little stupid!</p>

<p>My older son had two choices for graduate school and was having a terrible, terrible time deciding. He finally chose, IMO, the right school for the right reasons.</p>

<p>They do grow up.</p>

<p>My 9th grade son just received a perfect score on the National Latin Exam for Latin 1. On the last administration of this test only 269 out of 51,907 were perfect. </p>

<p>This is not to mention that he is getting an A in AP Calculus (the first kid in the history of his school to take AP as a freshman), starts for the lacrosse team, and is first trombone in the school band. Plus he’s a great kid well-liked by his peers and teachers. </p>

<p>(I humbly don’t know how someone like me could have produced someone like him.)</p>

<p>My D. was told by her Dean that she is doing well. This made her and us very happy.</p>

<p>S1 just got noticed that he’ll be inducted into Phi Betta Kappa - as a junior.</p>

<p>Course he asked what the heck is that, and if he should accept it.</p>

<p>Not sure if I’m inspired, hopeful, or depressed reading all of these wonderful accomplishments. The main factor is that your children actually applied for and sought out those “real” jobs. Wish I could get mine to do that instead of crippling along with jobs that just pay the bills. So much potential…Not looking for advice just the need to vent a bit.</p>

<p>“Fourteen years ago I took D to her first opera, Carmen. At intermission she said she wanted to be an opera singer so that she could sing Carmen. This weekend we traveled to hear her do just that. Sing “Les Tringles des Sistres Tintaient” from Carmen. In front of 4000 people. With a full orchestra. And get paid. And get a standing ovation.”</p>

<p>musica, this made me tear up. Congratulations to your daughter and her proud parents!</p>

<p>CCers -keep the good news coming!</p>



<p>Bluejay…he’s paying the bills! That is good news.</p>

<p>S’s 7th-graders scored the highest in the region in math(his subject)! These are the kids who were scoring the lowest early last year, when S started teaching. All the hard work paid off!
S is very proud of his students and we are very proud of them and of him!</p>