The Bragging Thread

<p>So much good news here!</p>

<p>My most recent brag is nothing compared to musica’s daughter (that is AMAZING by the way), but I had my own little moment of performance glory last night.</p>

<p>I am a member of my school’s choir and we performed selections from Schwartz and Sondheim. I had auditioned and was selected to perform the part of Amy in “(Not) Getting Married Today” from Company and last night was our concert. Of all of the songs in the entire concert, mine got the loudest applause, including applause in the middle after one of my sections. Then afterward, I got swarmed by people from the audience and members of the theater department (faculty and students) to tell me how wonderful of a job I had done with such a difficult part. The highlight was being approached by the chair of the theater department asked what department I was from. When I told him I was a psychology major and I was graduating, he said “It’s too bad that we’re losing you.” I was also hugged and congratulated by several of the most talented members of the school’s theater department with whom I am at best acquainted. </p>

<p>I guess the thing about it that was so surreal was that I was the only one to whom this was happening. Not to say that others weren’t being told that they had done wonderful jobs (because they had), but it really seemed that for once in my life I was the star of the show. </p>

<p>Sorry, this is absolutely shameless bragging, but I am so proud of myself. :)</p>

<p>S got inducted into Tau Beta Pi this weekend. It is the oldest engineering honor society in US.</p>

<p>DS took the FE (engineering) exam on Sat (8 hrs long). Said it was ridiculously easy and he probably could have taken it in HS.</p>

<p>hyperJulie, that’s awesome!! Congratulations!!!</p>


This is amazing, amazing, AMAZING!!! Congratulations to your wonderful daughter and to you for sharing her dream.</p>

<p>This is one of my favorite threads ever.</p>

<p>I’m so excited about this that I could just bust.</p>

<p>My daughter is currently an RN (earned via community college) and is now working on her BSN. She has just a few more classes to go before graduation.</p>

<p>She just got her dream job - Emergency room nurse at our local hospital. Around here, hospitals rarely hire new grads for the ER since working in that dept requires a broader range of skills. She knew that getting her dream job would be a long shot. </p>

<p>This hospital has a reputation for unusually high levels of patient satisfaction. She is currently going through orientation at the hospital and today the nurses were given a surprise test on medication administration. She is the only one in the group of new hires who has never worked as a nurse but she got the highest grade on the test. The instructor was very impressed as it is rare for a new nurse to score so well on this test. In her text to me she said, “Your college tuition wasn’t spent in vain!” </p>

<p>Made me smile.</p>

<p>I am glad to hear that xxx made it through another week at work.
I am glad xxx’s S thought the FE exam was easy.
I am glad xxx vacuumed under the bed.</p>

<p>It is all good news!</p>

<p>bookreader—congrats to your very smart daughter. we are all better off when we have dedicated nurses in our ERs!</p>

<p>Bookereader, It makes me feel wonderful to hear about such a bright and dedicated young person embracing such a fantastic career path that world really, really needs. Yeah!</p>

<p>Thanks for the kudos! Much appreciated.</p>

<p>Dedicated nurses are the BEST. Congrats bookreader.</p>

<p>S2 who had to have a summer internship related to his major this summer in order to receive his diploma (all on campus classes will be completed this semester) got one last week.
He had sent out many apps and was pretty down at getting no responses when he got a call two weeks ago for an interview (first and only) at agency we were all hoping for.
Called us last Fri. to say he got the internship! They only take one intern per summer and they took S2…yay.</p>

<p>S1, a U.S. Navy Special Operations officer, will be working the G8 Summit in Chicago next month.</p>

<p>Congrats to all and thanks for such an upbeat thread–I like to read it after reading all the depressing news of the world.</p>

<p>D has been awarded an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. It is worth over $120,000 over three years. She will be starting her 2nd year for a PHD in Sociology. She’s very excited about the freedom the Fellowship gives her for her research!</p>

<p>She also received an Honorable Mention for a Ford Foundation Fellowship.<br>
We are, needless to say, pretty proud of her!</p>

<p>^ What esobay said. We’re not going to let anyone run on our parade.</p>

<p>Love all the great news. Keep it coming!</p>

<p>S’s ankle is only badly sprained, not broken. I think this is worth bragging about in my injury-prone family!</p>

<p>Glad to hear the ankle is just sprained. Tell him to be careful at least until graduation!</p>

<p>If he listened to my advice I would REALLY have something to brag about!!!</p>

<p>metermaid - that’s really big stuff your daughter is receiving. You need to be bragging Big Time!</p>

<p>have to brag on my S3… he has struggled so much in school… (3 years in grade 9) but today hefound out he passed all but 1 of the state required graduation exams and got A’s and B’s on his progress report!!! woohooo!!</p>

<p>Now that is something to brag about, parent56!!!</p>