The Bragging Thread

<p>thanks dragonmom…so proud of him!!!</p>

<p>congrats parent56. It’s hard to see your kid struggle. Every hurdle passed is a victory and cause for celebration. S2 had a spotty high school career. College seemed a ridiculous idea most of the time. Now he’s about to graduate from college and we’re still pinching ourselves.</p>

<p>Thanks sewhappy–I appreciate your thoughts. </p>

<p>Love your screen name!</p>

<p>My cousin who is getting her PhD in Neurobiology of Disease at the Mayo Clinic has decided to also get her MD! She was recently published in this big brain medical journal and will be presenting her paper at the biggest conference for neuropathologists in the country! So excited for her!</p>

<p>My brother just went through Special Forces Selection and he made it! HE MADE IT! God. He is going to be a Green Beret! A <em>bleepin</em> Green Beret!</p>

<p>Our D has just confirmed that she looks to REALLY be on schedule to graduate once & for all in less than a month. Looks like May will be the LAST tuition payment for quite a while–yippee!</p>

<p>Two different representatives introduced resolutions for our non-profit in our state legislature. One version has made it all the way through the House, crossed over to the Senate and was heard by special permission from the Senate President. It PASSED unanimously & will be voted on by the full Senate, where it is expected to pass unanimously again and be signed by our Governor. It shows that our legislature is VERY supportive of our efforts to date! YIPPEE!!!</p>

<p>congrats to your brother mdem!!</p>

<p>having a wonderful week at our house. S2 has made it to finalist stage for scholarship at his school… presentation/interview on Tuesday…fingers crossed.</p>

<p>parent56 - it seems as if I know several young people who struggled in high school and emerged from that struggle and went on to accomplishing so much in college and thereafter. We all tend to think this early part of our kids lives writes their fate and is so misguided, I’ve come to learn. Congratulations! I’m sure your son is fabulous but he also has a great parent.</p>

<p>“Silver wings upon their chest,
These are men, America’s best!
One hundred men will test today,
But only three win the Green Beret.”</p>

<p>Congrats to your brother, mdemvizi!</p>

<p>thanks sewhappy and packmom… even better is he seems proud of himself too, some of that “i don’t care” attitude is less!</p>

<p>just a great week!! S2 and S3 great news… hmmm wonder if S1 will call with something today :)</p>

<p>D (HS class of 2012) just came home from school, where there was Awards Day today, with a medal and fancy certificate for the overall 12th Grade Science award. This is so amazing because all the way through MS and HS D has been pretty much the best student who never wins an award. She’s 8th in a class of 500, so a very good student, good at both sciences and humanities, but historically never quite the best at any one thing in any one year. How sweet to finally be singled out at the end of senior year!</p>

<p>D looks like she really WILL be graduating in less than a month. She’s also been asked to submit her resume so she can do an unpaid internship with a very successful startup company who has done Startrek (she’s a trekkie fan from way back). We’re so happy and proud of her, especially since she was asked to leave her HS after JR year due to excessive absences caused by a documented medical condition. She has overcome a great deal and is very happy and thriving despite the many adversities she has faced.</p>

<p>Congrats, weatherga, to our Ds who don’t get the attention and glory they so richly deserve!</p>

<p>We put our house on the market. It sold in twenty-four days. We close today!</p>

<p>Congrats back to you, HImom. How wonderful that your D is graduating and has an exciting opportunity, after so much adversity!</p>

<p>Way to go, PackMom! Hope the move is going smoothly! This gives hope to those of us who are thinking of moving in the next few years, and contemplating the current housing market with dread.</p>

<p>My kid is receiving an award at graduation for being the most valued graduating student in the school of sciences at her university. The class just completed a practice exam for licensure (won’t take it for real for another year - has to do her residencies first) and scored well over the national average.</p>

<p>Now if she could only find the cords they gave her last year when she was inducted into some honors societies - not a good idea to give students something to wear at graduation that far in advance…</p>

<p>Oh well, D just let me know she needs to take one more course. I suggested she consider the timing of the course–whether she might want to take it in the fall instead of over the summer, depending on whether she might want to do a student internship or explore the lovely equestrian center of many of the other great things her campus has to offer that she was too busy to do in prior years.</p>

<p>I’m thinking about putting my Phi Beta Kappa window cling on my car - never have in my life, but they mailed me a new one and I wouldn’t want it to go to waste.</p>

<p>I’ve resisted putting that or any cling up on a car window because of the heat & UV–wouldn’t want it to leave any permanent mark on the window. Have put it up on the patio window so if ever our glass gets clean enough, the birds won’t accidently fly into the window. It gets a lot of shade most of the day, unlike the cars. :)</p>

<p>There’s an idea - I can put the Phi Beta Kappa window cling on the kitchen window so instead of bragging I can feel smarter while I do dishes. Maybe it will motivate me to keep the sink cleaner . . . worth a try ;)</p>

<p>shameless brag… S2 was selected as a Beckman Scholar!!! woohooo</p>

<p>Married 22 years today… c’mon… that’s somethin’ in todays world!!</p>