The Bragging Thread

<p>It’s official. Not only was I the first to graduate high school on time, but I’ll be the first in my family to graduate from college and in one year I’ll have two bachelors degrees with Phi Beta Kappa and Phi Kappa Phi on my resume. </p>

<p>Not bad for a girl who was pronounced clinically dead in middle school and subsequently missed much of middle school and high school due to health problems.</p>

<p>No shameless brags. It is pure gratitude and happiness. Nothing wrong with that!</p>

<p>Here’s a silly brag – my DD wore one of my dresses to her cum laude induction and several teachers complimented her as being the only appropriately dressed young lady on the stage. Too funny!</p>

<p>I just received an offer to attend graduate school in the fall at Indiana State University!!! I will have an assistantship as an Assistant Hall Director…which means I will have my tuition paid for except for $1,000 per semester, I will have a stipend of $650 per month, I will have a fully paid for fully furnished apartment, and will have a meal plan while school is in session.</p>

<p>I will be the first one in my family to go straight from high school to a 4-year university. I am graduating in 15 days, with honors. And I will be the first one in my family to get a Master’s Degree. I can’t believe this is happening!</p>

<p>Congrats HGFM!</p>

<p>Thats fantastic HGFM, nice name by the way <><</p>

<p>congratulations HGFM!!!</p>

<p>Thank you all! I couldn’t be more excited, and with graduation just 2 weeks away the news couldn’t have come at a better time…I was starting to panic (more than a little bit)!</p>

<p>HGFM…CONGRATULATIONS! That is fabulous news!</p>

<p>HGfM - congratulations. Getting someone to pay for your education is something.</p>

<p>HGfM…have read many of your posts that started in your freshman year…always impressed. Many congrats to you. Good luck in Indiana.</p>

<p>Thanks all! :slight_smile: It’s finally starting to sink in that it’s really happening and I just get more and more excited! And of course I’ll keep you all posted as things continue to develop.</p>

<p>The real brag was a few months ago, but I’m feeling good that today is S2’s one-month anniversary of working at his Real Job and living in his Real Apartment like a Real Grown-up.</p>

<p>D found out that she will be the recipient of one of five student awards at commencement! I don’t think she was supposed to know, but the cat is out of the bag and she is so excited. She also finally decided on a med school and they have a ski hill close and a river to row on. Good times. </p>

<p>Of course, this now means I have to shell out dollars to buy her ski gear. :(</p>

<p>D is happy and will be home with us for the ENTIRE SUMMER (more or less). We’re THRILLED! She’ll take a few courses & do internships in the fall and life is wonderful. S is coming up on his first year anniversary of his REAL JOB and OWN APARTMENT LIFE. So far, so good! He will soon be a premier mileage member for the 2nd year in a row.</p>

<p>I took a test today, and I think I passed. :slight_smile: 79% percentile - good enough for me. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: I think I spent $30 on a prep book and read it for a few days, so my score is not a bad bang for the buck.</p>

<p>Way to go, BB!!!</p>

<p>good for you BB, studying now for a professional credentialing exam, not as easy as it was when we were young.</p>

<p>S2, who had a gpa of less than 1.0 for his first semester of college, made a 3.75 this semester! He graduated today…last kid to graduate…whoopee.</p>

<p>Way to go BB. Now you can play WWF:)</p>