The Bragging Thread

<p>My Daughter graduated (BS- Engineering) in May and had just landed a fabulous job!!!</p>

<p>My 15-year-old jack russell was pronounced exceptionally healthy in her annual vet check-up. I’m so proud. :)</p>

<p>My son who has less than 100 hours driving experience just called to say that he successfully parked “my” car on a hill to attend his first day at work.</p>

<p>My rising college junior now has her own apartment and a great job making more money than I do!! (Admittedly, I make next to nothing! I’m a pastor.)</p>

<p>Great reading all these updates! Can decide if they make me feel motivated or inferior!!!</p>

<p>I ran 4.5 miles yesterday…a personal record in my unimpressive running career!</p>

<p>PackMom, wow!!! Congratulations!</p>

<p>PackMom, you ran 4.5 miles more than I did, good for you. I wish I could run but until about 1 year ago I could not walk more than 1 mile. I now have a 14 month boarder collie / lab that needs exercise and forced me to push myself and find what I needed to make walking somewhat more comfortable. I had a work accident about 15 years ago and had cracked 3 vertabrae and chipped another. Osteoarthritis has set in and walking has been extremely painful. Because of this dog though I am now walking 2.5 miles each morning and 4 miles at night. It is still quite painful but man does it feel good to do it.</p>

<p>I had a quick visit today with my endocrinologist, just to get my thyroid levels checked. She is a big cheerleader when it comes to my exercise, as she also follows my osteoporosis/osteopenia issues. Today she walked in the examining room, did a double take, and said, “You so don’t look your age! You look so youthful! And your weight is the same it was six months ago, and your BP is perfect. If I didn’t have your chart, I’d never guess how old you are!”</p>

<p>percussiondad: Congratulations on your progress. Those canines will get us to move even if we don’t want to!!</p>

<p>I colored my hair and did highlights and it looks pretty darned good if I do say so. $ 14.99 and two hours in the bathroom.</p>

<p>Thanks y’all.<br>
My DH just did his own haircut upstairs in our bathroom. $.00
S2 cuts his own hair too.</p>

<p>I’ve lost 7 pounds in the last two weeks, and I registered for my first semester of Graduate School classes today! Everything is falling into place…all I need now is to find out where I’ll be living as part of my assistantship!! :D</p>

<p>My son finished his first week of work. And I mean work. 10 to 12 hours a day, six days a week, doing inventory in a warehouse. He’s successfully driven to and from work, parked on the hill several times, gotten gas in the car, and only locked his keys in the car once. My chest is busting, I am so proud of this kid, who never had a “real” job in his life, is working his tail off. Most proud of his humility in doing this job. Where others would think they are too good or too smart to be doing a job like this, he is embracing the challenge. His grandfathers would be so proud of him, too, and I know they are smiling down at him from Heaven right now.</p>

<p>Nice post, Montegut!</p>

<p>Congrats, montegut!!
My S got is thank you notes out (I believe). Finally! I am proud.</p>

<p>Montegut, good for your son. It will only build strong character and respect for the workforce. I worked in a warehouse to put myself through college. I have the highest respect for him doing that type of work. It is hard work and I bet he is sore/tired at the end of the day. You should be proud of him</p>

<p>Congrats to all, especially Montegut’s S. Last night, went to a HS grad party where there were a table of recent college grads as well. I think our S is one of the few who had a job in hand when he graduated from college.<br>
One of D’s friends does have a job as a lab assistant at Harvard while she gets ready for her med school apps. Her other friends are trying to figure out their next steps & our D will be taking some internships & classes to hopefully find a job she loves in her field.</p>

<p>Both my s’s called me for my birthday, one sent a fruit bouquet, the other a very sweet card, I got 2 dozen roses (from DH and a sweet neighbor) and I was able to return 3 things at stores with no hassles today (telling them its your birthday does wonders :slight_smile: )</p>

<p>^^^Happy birthday, Jym!</p>

<p>I successfully burned audio files to a CD. Big, big accomplishment!</p>

<p>I have been impressing the people at my new job with my editing skills. My boss told me I “did a good job” “very fast”!!</p>

<p>This job doesn’t feel like work.</p>