The Bragging Thread

<p>I made it to 10 pounds lost today!! :smiley: I know it’s not “that” much and I still have quite a long way to go, but it’s progress and I’m in the double-digits!</p>

<p>Fat envelope, or should I say, fat PDF file attached to email message. :)</p>

<p>In the past week, I have a new job, the movers have taken away 28 boxes, my house is almost clear of “stuff” and emphasis is on almost! Everything left must go into 4 suitcases. Oh yes, my son is here to help and my car of 23 years just failed in traffic. It is time for a new one when I reach the new world.</p>

<p>Oh yes…and this week, I just finished my five years of taking a cancer pill daily. That is over hopefully never to return but anyway, it is a new beginning.</p>

<p>Oh yes, since this is CC, I will be daily at one of those Pope schools that we all chatter about on this site. Hanging my hat in a new routine.</p>

<p>^^ Fantastic news all the way around, overseas! Here’s to new beginnings!</p>

<p>^^^That’s fantastic! Congratulations and best wishes on your new life!</p>

<p>Overseas - That’s the best brag I’ve seen in a LOOONNGG time!

<p>S2, who has travails documented in one of those “crisis management, withdrawing from school” threads, just finished his first class since he returned to academics. He’s failed Spanish 2 last time and it precipitated anxiety attacks. This time, he got a B!!!</p>

<p>Yay, Bunsen! Fat is always good in envelopes or PDFs. :)</p>

<p>I made a very delicious dinner tonight. Grilled salmon marinated in soy and fresh garlic. Salad with white wine vinaigrette, crushed walnuts and dried cranberries. Fluffy white rice. Simmered black gramm lentils. Steamed broccoli with just a tad of butter.</p>

<p>Ok sewhappy, what did you say your address was. :smile: That sounds delicious, we had D’s first ever baked lasagna. She did well</p>

<p>Overseas–that is such great news, good luck to you and I hope we hear more from you</p>

<p>Still lovin’ all the great news, but overseas, you deserve a special shout out!</p>

<p>greenbutton, congratulations to your son! That’s a great achievement.</p>

<p>remember reading your posts greenbutton, very happy to hear your son having a fresh start and success! so heartwarming for you to see isn’t it…congrats</p>

<p>DH and I just returned home from a 16 day trip (almost 2000 miles in the car) and we’re still speaking to each other.</p>

<p>Just spent 48 hours nonstop with S1 in his new city finding him an apartment. I was a master (mistress?) at holding my tongue and letting him decide which apartment is best for him.</p>

<p>Packmom: That’s quite an accomplishment. Had that been DH and I, one of us would have been left on the side of the road along the way.</p>

<p>Congrats to overseas and greenbutton’s S.</p>

<p>S2’s GF just got a job offer in her new city (which she moved to in order to live w/ S1 --). Hip hip hooray!!! I’m doing the happy dance!!!</p>

<p>S2’s gf is living with S1? Really? That’s some brotherly love!</p>

<p>H just got a very small cash award for solving in a few hours what had been taking many at his workplace many weeks to muddle through. H was pleasantly surprised to get this unexpected bonus! I’m proud of him & very happy! Nice to see some monetary appreciation with the pat on the back every once in awhile. :)</p>

<p>Whoops – I got my numbers mixed up! No, S2’s GF is living with S2. And, she just got a job offer.</p>