The Bragging Thread

<p>I can finally uncross my fingers. D got her *stan visa. Yikes, now the new phase of worries begins!</p>

<p>^^^Bookworm, I’d brag if I could take a lunch break by the ocean! </p>

<p>My water brag: I drove across Lake Pontchartrain, across a 25 mile long bridge. Some people do it every day and think it’s a PIA. Me, I love it. Looking at the water, the birds, pelicans, gulls, and yesterday, I even saw a tern! And a black crowned night heron that has decided to take up residence in our suburban canal. We used to get yellow crown night herons, but now, we have the black crown ones, too. Oh, and did I mention that we also get red tailed hawks, Mississippi kites, and other wondrous visitors in our beautiful oak trees?</p>

<p>Yeah, we may not live in the fanciest neighborhood, and our ground may be sinking from underneath our houses, but we live as close to nature as any suburbanite can come!</p>

<p>OK – this will make you sick – today, I went out to get lunch, and I saw a filthy puddle full of water so I hung back, and an unlucky tourist stood too close to the curb and got splattered when a cab drove by. That’s my water/lunch story. Sorry to rub your noses in it :)</p>

<p>Yesterday S2 completed his summer internship(required for college graduation). Today he did the final paper for the class and submitted it. The Pack Family is officially done with college.</p>


<p>I have beat my tradition of staying up until 3AM packing the night before I move off to school. Mom, dad and I leave at the crack of dawn to start out for Indiana, where I’ll spend the next two years pursuing my MS in Student Affairs & Higher Ed. It is just before 3PM and I am done packing except for things I will need tonight/tomorrow. :)</p>

<p>Go Packmom…when the Thumper clan was done with college, it felt like we had won the lottery.</p>

<p>After approximately a month living in our first apartment, I finally set up the bedroom tonight! No more sleeping on the mattress/box spring on the ground. :)</p>

<p>Congrats pack mom! We are also now newly free of college expenses, but since someone helped themselves to our s’s car a day ago, we or he will have another expense to tackle.</p>

<p>Great news Packmom. Being done with college is a great feeling for everyone.</p>

<p>Good luck in grad school HGFM. Have a safe trip.</p>

<p>S2’s GF, who I posted earlier had gotten a job offer, got TWO job offers. She has selected one of them and notified everyone. She’s psyched!</p>

<p>Great news, Very Happy. So nice she had a couple of choices!</p>

<p>It WAS nice she had a couple of choices, but at the end, she asked me if she should just flip a coin. Both jobs were very similar, although the organizations were different. I don’t know if she took the “right” one. Time will tell.</p>

<p>Thanks ya’ll. It is a huge relief to know college is over… now if S2 just had a job.
He sent out his first app. last night. For this laid back kid, that’s a brag in itself.</p>

<p>Pack mom, you have to so much to be grateful for. I recall when S1 was just starting college, and now he owns a house and proudly wears a uniform. S2 was the laid back kid, who now has graduated. You built a new home. And to top it all off, you have the figure to wear shorts!!!</p>

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<p>One thing at a time, Packmom. A few months ago you weren’t sure he’d get the needed internship and look how that turned out.</p>

<p>bookworm&shellfell, you are both right. I do have much to be grateful for and I truly am.
And yes,bookmom…I’m wearing shorts:)</p>

<p>Had to bump this thread. My son is starting ROTC in the fall and he came in first on the two-mile run on the initial physical training test…by almost two minutes. It really gave him a boost.</p>

<p>Great accomplishment, MD Mom! You must be a proud mama. Wishing him the best.</p>

<p>Congrats to your S,MD Mom. Lots of running and push-ups ahead. Lucky for him, he’s a good runner already. That will be a big plus for him.</p>