The Bragging Thread

<p>By two minutes?? That’s a lifetime n racing. Either he is very fast or the others are very slow!!</p>

<p>S1 has completed 3 weeks of 24 weeks of hell (umm, training at our State Police Academy). 5000 applicants, 82 offers, a 9 month process. 16 of the 82 have quit/been dismissed. He scored a 96 on his law exam Monday and tied with a girl (yes!) for the highest exam grade.</p>

<p>He’s pretty fast. Thank you all.</p>

<p>Congrats to your son, sryrstress.</p>

<p>ROTC and Police Academy, sound like some awesome kids who are going to do great things while serving others.</p>

<p>Son was introduced last week to the head of the division as their most detail oriented and thorough intern, and the boss said she had never had such a hard worker. He was asked this week to continue on working through the school year but had to decline as he’s taking 19 hours of engineering coursework, including a research project, in the fall. Hopefully, he’ll get a good recommendation as a result of this experience!</p>

<p>We need a like button, or how about a “pat on the back” button?</p>

<p>YEA!!! A few weeks ago, two friends forwarded a job posting to me and encouraged me to apply. They told me it had me written all over it, and I agreed. I applied, never thinking I had a chance. Well, I was called in for an interview … then another … and Friday, I was offered the job. I am back in higher ed, working at a very small, top-notch graduate art school … a jack-of-all trades position managing the registrar, admissions, and financial aid functions. I am beyond thrilled!!!</p>

<p>As I was receiving my job offer on the phone, I was literally moving my D into her new apartment in Chicago. She is now very happily settled in a great apartment, in a great part of town, and within an easy driving distance for the first time in five years. </p>

<p>Life is good. :)</p>

<p>Great news, kelsmom! It sounds like your dream job. So happy for you!</p>

<p>sounds like a wonderful new opportunity, congratulations Kelsmom! and here’s to good friends looking out for friends!</p>

<p>Congrats to kelsmom and D!</p>

<p>Kelsmom, major congrats on the job! Sounds like it combines all your skills and will be a great fit.</p>

<p>kelsmom - congratulations.</p>

<p>way to go kelsmom!!!</p>

<p>A job that fits is even better than shoes that fit. Congratulations, kelsmom!</p>

<p>Congrats kelsmom!</p>

<p>Terrific news Kelsmom! It DOES sound like a perfect job for you.</p>

<p>My brag (I haven’t had one in a while) is actually about my husband who completed his second 100 mile bike ride this summer!</p>

<p>Congratulations to thumper’s H. My next door neighbor completed a 100 mile bike ride last weekend … impressive, IMO. I sure couldn’t do it (neither did neighbor’s wife, who drove the chase car).</p>

<p>Kelsmom, weren’t you going to start the consulting firm and hire us? Best wishes with the new job. </p>

<p>And wow for the bike rides. That will never happen at my house.</p>

<p>I have grandiose ideas about starting a company that would help people understand the realities of financial aid … or write a book about it … but I am a tired old lady who just wants someone to sign her paycheck every other week!</p>

<p>I still want to write the book, though. Maybe it will happen. :)</p>

<p>A friend of mine and I started writing a book that could be used for a financial literacy class at the high school level. She got sick and I just like someone signing MY paycheck every other week, so the writing stopped.</p>

<p>So happy & relieved! Pulled off two gatherings this weekend–dinner for cousin & her D visiting from out of town, as well as a shower for niece. Both went well and collected from several of the people so far (for the dinner that was on Friday at restaurant). </p>

<p>Niece was so happy at the shower–chocolate fountain, cheese fondue and hot pot! It was fun and so tasty!</p>

<p>Best of all, any snippy and tired feelings have faded and we’re all getting along great (though my sister who threw gatherings for others at her house on Thursday, Friday & Saturday until midnight while working full-time is pretty tired and getting short-tempered).</p>