The Bragging Thread

<p>my manager asked if I would provide a training for an organization I don’t support, because she thought highly of my work and she offered me as a way to not bring someone in from the outside for big bucks. I figured, well, it’s a great opportunity to increase my visibility and make the boss look good…just found out they loved my training and I am happily surprised, I just found out I’m getting a $400 bonus. that is a pleasant surprise!</p>

<p>I will be on the local news channel tonight. Only told 2 closest friends, as I could look silly or old. I’ve been quoted in newspapers and magazines, but this is a first for me.</p>

<p>So I had a phone interview for a contract editing job, which may or may not pan out, but the interviewer said my daughter ( rising college senior) could send her her resume to her for evaluation. Work it.</p>

<p>Fellow CCers!!! I’m baaaaaack!! No more reading the stupid 3000 page long book!!! I passed the @&$%* test! My best reward - I can hang out on CC as much as I want now. :slight_smile: thank you, John!!!</p>

<p>(Oops. I will continue reading that book - but as needed, not 5 hours a day). :)</p>

<p>Congratulations, BB!!! That’s great news!</p>

<p>Awesome BB! Must feel so tickled to have that behind you!</p>

<p>Sent from my MB865 using CC</p>

<p>Terrific news BB!</p>

<p>Yay, BB.
Hope to see you on the exercise thread in the near future.</p>

<p>bookworm–congrats and how did it go? understand the awkwardness of telling others about such a thing, but definitely something to be proud of</p>

<p>Thank you, all!</p>

<p>CJane, I’ve been doing my best exercising - just was not posting. The night before the test I hopped on the treadmill and just walked “uphill” to de-stress and went for a run today. :)</p>

<p>Thanks, myturnnow. I sounded fine and knowledgable, but could barely recognize myself(looked so old). The journalists did an impressive job weaving pictures with the words and faces of us “experts”. I cannot believe how hard they worked to get the piece on the air in just a few hours. My book club started an hour later, and one of the members commented on seeing me. (we read Major Pettrigrew…an easy read but not fluff).</p>

<p>BB - congrats on finishing the test.</p>

<p>MD mom, good luck to both you and daughter</p>

<p>I GOT AN INTERNSHIP! I’m so excited and blessed. It’s for two credits and it seems interesting!</p>

<p>Survived another week at work. Only teaching 3 preps, not 4!!!</p>

<p>Just hostessed an event at our local medical center’s conference center. Over 250 signed up and over 190 showed up, listened to the speakers, participated and ate the meal I provided. It included over 20 volunteers, 40 exhibitors and a lot of prep. It was a very well-attended event and extremely well-received by the patients. It was our 6th annual!</p>

<p>My undergraduate business major son’s internship went so well this summer at a great publicly traded company in Silicon Valley that they’ve decided to start interviewing on his school’s campus. Now if they just come through with the offer they’ve promised him, I’ll really have something to brag about!</p>

<p>Fabulous all!</p>

<p>My daughter, DIL, has big interview coming up this week and I told the fat woodchuck who lives out in the garden to prepare for a party! I feel it in my old bones.</p>

<p>In a promo for an off off broadway show by my son’s theater company (opening next week) they were referred to as “an ambitiously subversive theater troupe.” Does a Mom’s heart good, at least the heart of a sixties/seventies person.</p>

<p>I drove over the hill to JPL today and was honored today to stand among some fantastic folk in the parking lot to watch the shuttle do its fly-by. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!! California can be a wonderful place.</p>

<p>Made me cry.</p>

<p>Musicamom, so neat you drove to JPL. The worm’s fianc</p>