The Bragging Thread

<p>It’s an easy 10 minute drive for me. (Not much of a sacrifice!) I really wanted to be THERE. The crowd was hushed and down right reverential. I really admire my neighbors at Cal Tech and JPL. I can’t think of better people to brag about.</p>

<p>Ok…what is JPL?</p>

<p>I’m working full time until thanksgiving. And I’m enjoying it so far!</p>

<p>Jet Propulsion Laboratory at California Institute of Technology</p>

<p>Bumping this up
S started a new job yesterday. Salaried with paid holidays,sick days, vacation and medical,dental and vision insurance. After working as a contractor since graduating in 2011 he is thrilled to have a job with a steady paycheck. Plus a good size raise from the last job.
Adding plus it is in his field of study</p>

<p>^ Congrats to your DS and to you mom60. That’s just wonderful!</p>

<p>Was just selected for a national event, with a travel scholarship, PCORI–Patient Centered Outcomes Research Initiative. It will help be sure the focus of research is back on PATIENTS. I’m very excited about the possibilities and hope that we are able to help re-focus research. It has a great deal of potential & dovetails very well with other travel I have scheduled for October. Might even be invited to participate in its future events as well.</p>

<p>Congrats HI! That’s a wonderful area of research/focus. Patients seem to often to be the last priority in the medical field :(. </p>

<p>I scored very well on my GREs. My GPA and GRE scores make me very competitive stats-wise for all the MPH programs I am focused on- including some of the top in the nation. Now I just need to worry about recs, applications, etc. Eek!! Nervous but quite happy with where I’ve gotten in the last few years.</p>

<p>congrats HI, appreciate hearing about professional successes!</p>

<p>that’s terrific romani! glad to see you competitive for MPH programs, that’s quite impressive. good luck with the apps…</p>

<p>Thanks, everyone! Am excited and hope we are more than “window dressing.” Was also just nominated (unopposed) to be secretary in a national organization about our organization. The three other officers are people I greatly respect and work well with, though we live in FL, TX and CO, so we will likely end up doing a significant # of conference calls (and/or some travel). :)</p>

<p>Congrats mom60, Romani and HI, great brags! I bragged about my son earlier in this thread when he got a job in November, just prior to graduating as an EE. I am happy to report he is doing wonderfully! He loves his job and has already met his final benchmark, less than 8 months into a 2 year program. He was recently chosen to introduce the vice president of his division at a very large gathering of employees and execs. I am so proud of him! And there is hope for the ADD/ADHD underachievers of the world! It took him a little longer to find his way, graduating at 25 after switching majors his senior year, but once he found something that he enjoyed and challenged him, it has been full steam ahead! And there are more than a few teachers whose nose I would like to rub in it! While quite a few of his classmates at the small private prep school he attended from pre-k on are unemployed, underemployed or back in school because they cannot find a job, he is gainfully employed and happy. What more could a mother want! Oh yeah, grandkids!</p>

<p>I used to go to school with Viggo (I think he was referred to as Peter back then)</p>

<p>I found a 5 leaf clover in my yard alond with three 4 leaf clovers. I’m not sure that my luck imporved, though.</p>

<p>I once pogo sticked 300 times, but had to stop because I was tired.</p>

<p>jillyo – that is quite a brag – going to school with Viggo. Seriously. I adore his work. And his general Viggo-ness!</p>

<p>Let’s see. We had son and daughter home for the weekend and everyone was amiable and there was no arguing and then son and daughter went back to their respective lives and my DH and I felt good to be going back to our empty nest. So that’s my brag.</p>

<p>DS just took the GRE and scored 168 on both verbal and math (per the unofficial instant results). He’s pulling himself out of a tailspin and has been looking for a job for quite a while; talked him into considering grad school. He has an adequate but not stellar undergrad GPA (although it’s from a top school in his field), never did research, so don’t know if this will help him much. But he really needed a boost in self confidence (college and work experience did not help this) so whew and hopefully it will help keep him on track. Nice to know the brain still works like it did in high school!</p>

<p>Silly one…I played a 143-point word in Words With Friends. Woohoo. Quartz with the q on a triple letter and the word on a triple word.</p>

<p>I’m impressed, MDMom!</p>

<p>I’m going to brag on a friend…she has had a rough couple of years (divorce, business went under, long term unemployment.) Well, today she got a job offer! In her field! I cried when I heard!</p>

<p>Marilyn: I had to google what the scores meant; I’m still thinking “old scale” of 800. That is amazing!! You’ve got one smart kid!!</p>

<p>What IS the new scoring for the GRE? </p>

<p>Great news about that score!</p>

<p>170 is the new 800.</p>

<p>I found a chart equating the old GRE scores with the new. <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt; It’s based on types and content of questions on both tests, and meant for colleges to analyze the new scores. DS’s 168 in verbal equates to 730, but his 168 on quantitative equates to 800! Seems odd but very similar to his SAT’s. He only used the official GRE online study guides and sample tests and has been out of academia for two years. His brain is definitely wired for standardized testing. Too bad there isn’t a career in that.</p>