The Bragging Thread

<p>Congrats to your son, Marilyn. I’ll have to remind S2 about your son’s strategy when he eventually decides to take the GRE. He’ll probably be out of school for 2 years by the time he takes it too, but he wouldn’t have had much math since HS. He’ll need to prep for it.</p>

<p>My daughter just earned a perfect score on the PRAXIS 2 test. I am disliking the new thread with many people complaining about teachers and some are saying that the “top of the top”, so to speak, would not teach. Mine will.</p>

<p>A good teacher is worth her weight in gold. She will have a lasting impact on her students!</p>

<p>My wonderful, beautiful niece got married this past weekend. She is 22 and works part time, while her husband is still in school. N didn’t want her parents to spend money, so she had a lovely and very fun wedding on a shoestring budget. I am so proud of her! Our family had such a good time … we are still smiling, two days later. :)</p>

<p>I got to meet and talk with Gloria Steinem and Chris Matthews at the Presidential debate today. Both of them friendly and open, what a great experience!</p>

<p>Everybody has such exciting brags! CC rocks!</p>

<p>My small brag: I have determined that grad school was not a bad life choice for me. I found a novel research topic two months in to my first semester that my PI is really excited about. He is having me submit the IRB exempt review proposal and he wants me to be running the first experiment starting in the next two weeks. If nothing else I will have research to talk about for my first year presentation, and if it comes out at all I’ll be on the path for my Master’s thesis. No more existential crises for the time being!</p>

<p>I feel like bragging about our younger son who has managed to hold his own after a year in college. What makes me proud is his humility. He just turned 15.</p>

<p>Congrats, fellow Husky parent! :)</p>

<p>So proud of my DC. Junior in high school, Scored 2400 in SAT in one sitting. Results came out this morning.</p>

<p>WOW!!! Fabulous!!</p>

<p>^ jasmineRose – brace yourself. My older one did that and it was pretty astonishing. It is a hook, a big one, no matter what they tell you.</p>

<p>Thanks @VeryHappy, @sewHappy.</p>

<p>It was her first time taking it in high school. So we are very happy & proud. We have to start college visits during winter & Spring breaks. It still doesn’t feel real with 2400. I asked her to show me the collegeboard scores page couple of times! :)</p>

<p>JRose, that is amazing!</p>

<p>My sweet son called me yesterday and talked to me for an hour. I had been thinking so much about him, and it’s like he felt my need to connect with him. We discussed his options for the future, his friends, movies, TV shows, just like old times. He asked if we could skype in the evening so he could see the cats. We skyped for over an hour last night. The orange cat finally obliged and came out of hiding so son could see his buddy. He’s struggling this semester, and he went to see a couple of his professors and discussed things and got help and feels so much better. It was hard for him to be humble and ask for help, and I’m so proud that he swallowed the pride and got it. He’s seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and just may finally have the confidence that he can actually do this!</p>

<p>Montegut, that is very nice to hear. Fingers crossed for your son. :)</p>

<p>I can tie a knot in a cherry stem with my tongue.</p>

<p>I used to be a gymnast.</p>

<p>I dropped out of beauty school after high school yet ended up at Harvard Business School 13 years later.</p>

<p>Still married to and in love with my one and only (31 years).</p>

<p>Choate thinks we can afford $50K tuition.</p>

<p>May become famous for writing “101 Delicious Ways to Prepare Cat Food”</p>

<p>S1, a grad student, made his first presentation at a professional conference today. It was well-attended, people asked good questions, and someone talked to him after the presentation, showed interest in his work, and gave my S his business card. S felt really good about how things went.</p>

<p>Good for your S,ShellFell. A little confidence boost can go a long way.
Wow, jrose!</p>

<p>S2 who just graduated at the end of second summer session has a job w/benefits!</p>

<p>We never lost power and are 22 miles from the NJ shore.</p>

<p>Great news, Packmom. Was your S the one who needed to find an internship to graduate (sorry if I’m confusing you with someone else), and now he has a job!</p>

<p>Considering the devastation in NJ, you certainly have something to be thankful for, sewhappy.</p>