The Bragging Thread

<p>Yes,shellfell you remembered correctly. He finished his internship at the end of July. Got his diploma in the mail about a month ago…So it’s true. He really did graduate! His new job has absolutely nothing to do with his major but who cares?</p>

<p>I gotta brag to SOMEONE…just came from a concert where S’s acapella group performed. S had a solo tonight and I thought he was just AWESOME (singing…Banana-man). SSOO proud of him, and to think we almost decided not to go!</p>

<p>Congrats, Justa! I absolutely adore acapella performances. </p>

<p>The three most important people in my life are out of contact with me right now (and here I thought we were in the age of instant communication :p) so I have to put it somewhere. I finally finished two of my graduate school applications! I know it doesn’t sound like much, but I’ve been pulling crazy near-50 hour work weeks (two of our workers decided to quit within a week of each other and not bother to give two weeks notice- nice, huh?) on top of school so to squeeze those in was quite a task.</p>

<p>Daughter got a 99 on a test in college a couple of days ago. She doesn’t normally ace tests like that, so it was a surprise. Such a surprise that she gasped when she saw it, causing one of her friends to say, “It’s okay if you didn’t do that well.” LOL She has been on cloud nine ever since.</p>

<p>Just want to say that I love the bragging thread. Always so happy to see it pop up. And always so happy for all the posters :)</p>

<p>S2 was thrilled to learn that a course he took last spring as an extracurricular will count toward his graduate degree. Yippee! Less coursework and fewer student loans!!!</p>

<p>Not so much a “brag” as a “happy.”</p>

<p>This is probably a brag/happy to. We are so proud of our daughter who JUST completed her two year Peace Corps service. And the happy part…she is on her way home! It will take her just over five weeks to get here. She just called from Cape Town, the first stop on her way home!</p>

<p>Happy or brag, we don’t care. This is my favorite thread. Thanks to thumper1 for starting it.</p>

<p>thumper1, I bet these two years have been life transforming for your wonderful D.</p>

<p>romani, here’s to encouraging you on the grad school apps. Last year at this time my D was in your boat.</p>

<p>thumper1 - congratulations. I am sure you are excited to have home for the holidays.</p>

<p>I can’t imagine not seeing one of mine for two years. Hope you have the best Christmas ever!!</p>

<p>Well…we DID see her IN Africa last year…</p>

<p>Congrats Thumper, so happy for you! I am doing the happy dance too, just found out my son will be working down here until mid-January! And now for the brag, he is team leader for a group of 8 other engineers working on this project! This time last year, we were celebrating a job offer and looking forward to his December graduation. He started his new career the end of January and has done incredibly well, meeting all his 2 year benchmarks within 9 months. And now he has earned his first team leader assignment, on a high profile job with brand new equipment. They really do grow up, lol!</p>

<p>Great news everyone!</p>

<p>The green card has arrived!</p>

<p>Great news CD!</p>

<p>Just was elected to an office in a national organization that I have been active in over the past 6 years. Am very pleased and excited to see what we may be able to accomplish. Just had a meeting in Atlanta for that org.</p>

<p>That is just great HImom, I’m very happy for you! I’m sure you will do amazing work for the organization, they are lucky to have you.</p>

<p>For my brag, my son just got hired for a high paying software engineering job, 7 months before graduation. We are thrilled and relieved!</p>

<p>Congrats HImom, how exciting! And congrats to bus driver and your son, that is awesome, lots to be thankful for this year!</p>

<p>Due date was Thanksgiving, but DIL finally gave birth to a beautiful baby girl in Valencia, Spain, at 7:05 AM their time. Best middle of the night call I ever got!! Pics soon followed.</p>

<p>Have to wait for Christmas vacation to go see her. These three weeks will go by so slowly!</p>

<p>^^^I want one too!!! Congratulations!!</p>