The Bragging Thread

<p>Congrats, gloworm. </p>

<p>S1 had his first scientific research article in which he’s first author published by a scientfic journal in his field. He said he’d send us a link to the article, but I doubt we’ll understand it anyway.</p>

<p>That is very impressive Shellfell! Congratulations! </p>

<p>Sent from my MB865 using CC</p>

<p>Congrats to Gloworm and shellfell!</p>

<p>My DIL started her new job today. After a year of immigration shenanigans, she can finally start using her degree and getting a paycheck!</p>

<p>Congrats to CountingDown’s DIL. It’s nice when things finally work out.</p>

<p>Congrats everyone! Today I finished my 3 month job! On to holiday planning now!</p>

<p>Wow, good stuff here. Gloworm – you’re living my fantasy. I so want a grandbaby.</p>

<p>Thanks, everyone. Until we retire in 2014 we won’t get to see her very often, but thank goodness for Skype. </p>

<p>Thumper1, again, my favorite thread. Thanks again for starting it.</p>

<p>D1 got her first job review yesterday. She has been ambivalent about her job because of the hours and stress. She was ranked #1 analyst for her department. She was thrilled that her hard work did pay off. Hope the glow will carry her for a while.</p>


<p>Great news!</p>

<p>Oldfort–Great news!</p>

<p>Oldfort, congratulations to your daughter for her outstanding work. She found the hours long and work stressful because she was doing great work. Now I bet she will start to enjoy.</p>

<p>What a terrific achievement for your d, oldfort. You must be one proud mom - congrats!</p>

<p>Got to watch son do his research presentation over the computer yesterday. He did such a great job. He really talks like an engineer, and he handled questions so well from the audience. It just floors me that he is really doing this. So proud of him!</p>

<p>S1 just finished two more classes, both with B’s, and is forever and ever done with foreign language requirements! The light at the end of his tunnel is getting brighter, and this time it isn’t the train!</p>

<p>Must be cool to watch your kid do presentation, especially when they sound like an engineer.
greenbutton - congratulations on your son’s job well done.</p>

<p>Seriously. He designed parts on the computer, the machine shop at the college fabricated them ( which just freaks me out), and he used them to build something. And, he actually goes on company websites, finds appropriate parts, orders them (himself!), and gets them in, puts them on his device. To me, he’s still this six year old building legos. Just cannot believe he is doing real world stuff!</p>

<p>Is this just for bragging about our kids or can we brag about ourselves? OK, I won’t brag about myself just yet…</p>

<p>S #2 should be finished with finals any day now, which will mean he will have graduated from Northeastern. In the middle of finals he also took the GREs… did well - they take the test on a computer now and get their scores right away. He still doesn’t know what he wants to do, but taking GREs just creates more options.</p>

<p>S #1 received his first, what I would call, professional paycheck. He has been taking photos which have been printed in the school newspaper, but they pay him for the pics. Somehow that paycheck seemed more significant to me than money earned from other jobs.</p>

<p>NJres, you’re allowed to brag about yourself too.</p>

<p>DD, after 5-years doing interesting and relevant and good works, mostly overseas, finally took the GRE’s, and is working on her apps, and might actually come back to the states to study/live next year!!! DS is happy in engineering job, in line for a promotion/reclass, has lovely girlfriend and his own place. Both are self-supporting with health benefits- and both are COMING HOME FOR CHRISTMAS!!! YEAH!!!</p>

<p>Congrats, anxiousmom. Sounds great!</p>

<p>Oldest S is a senior in college, will be graduating in May, stopped interviewing when he got two great job offers, accepted one offer, and was done with his job search more than six months before graduation.</p>

<p>One down, two to go.</p>