The Bragging Thread

<p>^^^Wow, dadinator, that’s awesome!</p>

<p>congrats to your son montegut… how wonderful to see him present!!!</p>

<p>Congrats to all … so much great news</p>

<p>have a small brag on D. She was appointed Finance Assistant of her sorority this week. D is excited as she is an accounting major and is building her resume as a freshman…</p>

<p>had totally forgotten this thread, reading back, congrats to all!!!</p>

<p>Just came back from watching the youngest son in a college play last week. Just him and one other girl for an hour in this play. He was so compelling and endearing, that I am still tormented thinking about it (in every scene he was some semblance of gravely injured). I almost want to suggest he change majors from management to drama…but I still want him to get a job after graduation!</p>

<p>Bus driver, your son’s talent will never go to waste. He can incorporate into speeches, if in management, and join drama groups. It’s wonderful he is so confident speaking in front of people.</p>

<p>This thread is great. I love hearing how Oldfort’s D1 not only survived the elimination process at her job, but ended on top. And Montegut’s son, giving a presentation!!! (Such things always scared me), and finishing language requirement (probably why the worm chose a college without a heavy language requirement). And the worm took GRE once, called it quits. And NJ, please post about your accomplishments. Lots of us do.</p>

<p>This is my favorite thread! Congratulations to everyone. Good news is good news for all.</p>

<p>Better to brag here than all over CC. :)</p>

<p>Agreed with bookworm that ability to speak in front of people will be very helpful in all aspects of life. Even engineers need to do it sometimes. Not a wasted talent.</p>

<p>Great news from all!</p>

<p>Got to meet granddaughter via Skype. She’s so cute, and knows how to cry!</p>

<p>awww Congrats Gloworm… Skype is so great.</p>

<p>I was away for the weekend and missed so much good news. Congrats to everyone who’s posted in the past 2 days.</p>

<p>busdriver, even software engineers need to speak to groups periodically. S1 has found it a highly valued skill. It is a skill I wish I owned!</p>

<p>Well, tonight is Homeland episode 11, which I did not work on. However, I did work on the season finale, episode 12. I will let you know next week after I watch it if I made the final cut. :smiley: (as a background/nonspeaking extra) I have not been seen on screen yet after working on episodes 2, 7 and 8. Oh well, that’s show biz!</p>

<p>My son is a freshman taking a 4000 level math class. He texted me that he got a 97% A as his final grade.
He may not have done as well in his easier classes, but I’m proud of him.</p>

<p>I became a godgrandma today. My godchild gave birth to a daughter, 9 pounds 6 ounces, 21 3/4 inches long. How about those stats?!</p>

<p>Montegut, start getting that girl’s applications ready now! Congrats, BTW!</p>

<p>Congrats, Montegut!</p>

<p>Those really are some stats.</p>

<p>H & I got our colonscopies and now have a clean bill of health for the next 10 years! It really was much better for us to both undergo the same thing on the same day so we had the prep at the same time. ;)</p>

<p>Pleased that S decided on his own to try to upgrade his sister’s flights to come home for Christmas–thought that was very sweet of him & think he’ll be surprising his sister! :-)</p>

<p>HImom: Clearly you have more than one bathroom in your house, and clearly you had a good friend or relative to pick you both up!</p>

<p>lol, I love my DH but not sure I’d want to bond over the colonoscopy prep!</p>

<p>Congrats, on a clear exam, HI.</p>