The Bragging Thread

<p>Yes, my dear sister was willing to be our driver both directions. Yes, we also have two bathrooms. We’re both happy that we’re done with the colonoscopies for the next decade (both of us have had polyps in the past, so it was 5-6 years ago that we had to do this each separately).</p>

<p>NJ, homeland is my favorite show. Please let us all know when you are seen. How cool.</p>

<p>All of my timer lights are working just right for holiday decorations – my DH thinks I’m a genius because I’m not sending him outside to turn on the lights or up to the attic to turn on the lights, etc.</p>

<p>Sewhappy, now THAT is a brag!!! Congrats on finally convincing DH of your true genius!</p>

<p>sewhappy that is impressive! I am still having timer issues myself. Have one that keeps going on at 2 am for some unknown reason</p>

<p>I mentored a young man in high school - he was a disadvantaged kid from a so-so high school. He went to Wesleyan, where he had to work his rear off to overcome his less-than-adequate educational preparation. After graduation, he went to Columbia for a second undergrad degree. He just got a job as an iOS developer (not sure what that is!) in NYC … for a ridiculous amount of money (enough to afford to live in NYC!). I am so proud of him. :)</p>

<p>Kelsmom, that is not bragging. That is a true mitzvah.</p>

<p>Kels, that is so wonderful!</p>

<p>kelsmom, you should be proud (of yourself).</p>

<p>Our youngest nephew just got into Cornell ED. He is the baby of all the cousins on my side of family. His older brother is also at Cornell. Next year we are going to have 3 cousins at the school. Very proud of him.</p>

<p>Great news Oldfort! So nice for your family to have that college connection! And Cornell is a great school.</p>

<p>I just performed the Heimlich on a little girl at a restaurant. No, really, I did. She wasn’t able to speak and was absolutely deep purple. When it popped out I thought she was going to hit me. She came over later to thank me…she was absolutely one of the cutest little kids I have ever seen.
I’m saying it here cause my H is on a plane and I have no one else i want to tell.</p>

<p>Wow, that’s unbelievable. I am sure her parents were happy you were there.</p>

<p>Yeah, I’m really glad I was there too. It was just the little girl and her mom. Mom was hysterical. I don’t think the restaurant staff could have less helpful - really appalling.</p>

<p>PS Oldfort - I had to go back to see what was going on with your D - that’s really wonderful! And now 3 cousins on the hill! Great news!!</p>

<p>woody, thank goodness you were there! Jusk know that the girls mother is speaking of you, the kind stranger who stepped in to save her daughter, each time she retells this story. :)</p>

<p>Woody-Wow! You are literally a life saver.</p>

<p>oldfort, that is too cool.</p>

<p>Wow Woody. I am CPR trained but I hope I never have to use that training. Thank goodness you were there.</p>

<p>Full disclosure…I’m a nurse!</p>

<p>Doesn’t matter what your profession is! You stepped up and saved a life.</p>

<p>Yay, woody. I’ve read a lot of impressive stuff here, but nothing can beat saving someone’s life!</p>

<p>Wow! Lots of incredible news here!!!</p>