The Bragging Thread

<p>I gave my friend a really good birthday party and she told me with tears in her eyes it was the best birthday party she ever had. She is a December kid so her birthday has tended to get lost in the holiday throe. Her mom and husband both called me and told me how much she liked her party.</p>

<p>Not exactly my brag, but when I was talking to the reporter on Monday, I spoke about how much help early intervention with aspie/autism spectrum kids can be. I mentioned some programs at an elementary school that teaches social skills, anger management, respect for others, etc. well, last night, she did an interview at an elementary school and interviewed 4 staff about their programs. They focused on one boy, citing all his improvements since being in the school.</p>

<p>Made me happy to see good information shared on the news.</p>

<p>Got the perfect 4.0!!! :D</p>

<p>Awesome, romani! Huzzah!</p>

<p>woody… you are a hero!!!</p>

<p>bookworm…thank you for starting a good conversation and spreading great knowledge!</p>

<p>This is so cool !! My son films (video cam) all of the home sporting events at UNC Charlotte. At last night’s game a player dunked and then put his face right in the camera which was held by my son under the basket. This play made ESPN Sports Centers Top 10 Plays!! In fact, it was number ONE! LOL! If you watch the clip you can see my son, ever the professional, under the basket with the camera. He also got some stills off the monitor that look hilarious.</p>

<p>Fantastic, romani! Great job!</p>

<p>congrats on the interview bookworm… sure you did some good!</p>

<p>congrats to your S montegut!!!</p>

<p>congrats romanigypsyeyes</p>

<p>Got a link, NJres?? Congrats! And to you too, romani!</p>

<p>Thanks all :). It was my first one in either high school or college. Plenty of 3.8/3.9 semesters, but no perfects.</p>

<p>My brag is that I am down to $1.50. $.25 for each quarter before I get to retire. Semester ended today.</p>

<p>Woohoo Glo!</p>

<p>Here is someone’s video of the TV. My son is the cameraman in green under the basket. </p>

<p>[Demario</a> Mayfield dunk #1 SC TOP 10 - YouTube](<a href=“- YouTube”>- YouTube)</p>

<p>OK, finished nearly all my dental work, including multiple fillings and two crowns. It has been a major ordeal, but am SO GLAD to be done. Will get me a mouthguard from the dentist on Christmas Eve and then don’t have to go back until February! It was more dental work than I’ve had in many, many ages!</p>

<p>I finished the quilt I’ve been making for my mil. It’s quite nice. And I will be able to ship it to her just in time.</p>

<p>that’s awesome, sewhappy. I’m sure she’ll love it!</p>

<p>Got in to STANFORD :slight_smile: And so I want to brag a little sorry</p>

<p>swimmer, that’s wonderful. Enjoy the feeling.</p>

<p>As for me – some of you will identify – my younger son left the house yesterday at 5:30 PM to visit an old friend. He said he’d be home at 7:30 for dinner, and he was.</p>

<p>Lol!, VeryHappy</p>

<p>I can identify, though D, not S.</p>