The Bragging Thread

<p>Romani, Great news. I hope you get some grad fellowship money to go along with some of these acceptances. That would really sweeten the option. ALL great choices. Congratulations.</p>

<p>I have to brag on my city, who is hosting the Super Bowl this year. Things are looking great for the celebration. My favorite thing in the city, the streetcar, has added lines that will allow the visitors to travel very easily from place to place. There is a stop next to the Amtrak/Greyhound station, for those coming in that way. And the airport, wow, I cannot get over it. Just in the time I went from Houston, from Friday morning to Sunday evening, I could see the difference. There are actually places to eat and drink in the airport now. I hope everyone who comes to our city has a great time and enjoys the food and the beautiful weather we’re having right now!</p>

<p>I’m happy to see that I’ve been a member for a loooooong time and this is the first time I’ve really felt like bragging!</p>

<p>D1 graduated from college in May and has accepted her dream position for the next year, while she applies to grad school. She leaves tomorrow to a place too far away for me to visit more than once while she’s away. </p>

<p>Today we went shopping and bought her first suit, some real work lady shoes and some some business-like shirts so she will look the part. This will be her med school interview suit as well as what she wears as she gets her start in the world. </p>

<p>I couldn’t be more proud, and just can’t shout this one to the neighbors. </p>

<p>Thanks :)</p>

<p>Congratulations, riverrunner. You should be proud.</p>

<p>I love reading all the good news here. Congratulations to all! :cool:</p>

<p>Made a traditional Chinese New Year’s dish with my sister and mom called “jai.” It’s a lot of dried and some fresh ingredients–all vegetables and no meat or gluten, so perhaps it would work for vegans as well. We followed my dear deceased MIL’s recipe and it still works well. I hadn’t made it for quite a few years and was pleased it turned out well–even my dad and my H enjoyed it!</p>

<p>S1 gave me a Garmin running watch for Christmas.
Yesterday I added up my milage since 12/25. I’ve run 55 miles in the last month!</p>

<p>This is a little update that I am quite proud of. Back in post #1108 I said that I was finally able to start walking and that was thanks to my dog. Well I have managed to reach one of my goals. In roughly 6 months I have gone from walking 2.5 miles in the morning to between 5 and 6 miles and still walking 4 in the evening. I waste no time and the dog just trudges along with me and I am now averaging a 15 minute mile. I have managed to lose about 30lbs and all I need now is to quit smoking. My back pain has gone done considerably since losing the extra weight and I haven’t felt this good about an acheivement in a long time. I am almost 60 years old and it felt like life was all downhill but this dog as done so much to change that and the amazing thing is all he wants out of it is a good rub down and a treat and believe me he gets both in spades. :)</p>

<p>Great news Percussiondad!!</p>

<p>My freshman called last week to say he was departing at last from his schedule of coming home to do his laundry – he finally summoned up the courage to tackle the common room laundry experience and said apart from sitting on top of his dryer, reading his sociology textbook and guarding his clothes (which isn’t necessary, but he had it in his head his clothes were at risk) , it was “not as bad as I really thought it would be”. I hear little baby bird wings flapping harder :)</p>

<p>DD, college senior, had her first telephone contact for a J.O.B. today.</p>

<p>Our daughter just found out that she was accepted for a summer internship with a top tech company this summer. She is super excited.</p>

<p>percussiondad- yeah for you!
greenbutton- : ) My d just hit the sanitize button instead of cold on her washer and now has blue undies. Honestly honey, we have all done it and yes bleach will work!</p>

<p>Smiles for mdmom and aquamarinesa’s d’s!</p>

<p>Today, I have the day all to myself–absolutely nothing planned. (Such a luxury.)</p>

<p>S2 just learned that he got a 17% raise, after only 10 months on the job. He’s doing really well!!</p>

<p>Wow, I so love all this great news.
Percussiondad, until three years ago we had two Samoyeds. Since they died my H has gained 30 lbs. Keep on walking!</p>

<p>I hope to have some proper brags in a week or two, but don’t want to jinx anything.</p>

<p>Such great news, here! I love this thread!!</p>

<p>DD got into both of her dream schools. Too bad now she has to choose. Will it be romance or warm weather? hmmmm
 But I am happy she got first choice, it didn’t go that way for undergrad.</p>

<p>Daughter got very sizable sport scholarship to her #1 choice school.</p>

glad to hear!</p>

<p>Congrats to those with good news! :)</p>

<p>Son just got another acceptance to med school. :)</p>