The Bragging Thread

<p>Woohoo. Lots of good news.</p>

<p>Daughter just found out she got accepted into Vet School!!</p>

<p>iā€™m not a very good braggerā€¦is that a brag?
thanks for the laugh ā€¦</p>

<p>Acceptances, job interviews, internshipsā€¦all great news. Kind of silly, but, I tread(ed) water for 60 minutes yesterday, as part of a challenge at my health club.</p>

<p>That is amazing toledo!! As a water challenged non-athlete, I am more than impressed. I donā€™t think that I could even last 5 minutes. Congratulations!!</p>

<p>In our family, treading water is VERY tough. We are all ā€œsinkersā€ and not at all buoyant. When D had to take a swimming & treading water test, she barely passed so she could continue paddling and steering the canoes. We just are NOT good at keeping our bodies afloat. We know one guy who was so buoyant that he bobbed high in the water even with no flotation devicesā€“higher than we did WITH our flotation devices like noodles and other floats. He also had a MUCH higher BMI than we doā€“the kids are about 20 BMIs, so very lean muscle.</p>

<p>ELY, congratulations on getting an entire day off to do with as you please!!</p>

<p>My brag here ? Hmmm. I got my car serviced today, always sort of traumatic for me.</p>

<p>Congrats to Tessaā€™s D and everyone else!</p>

<p>I got into VCUarts from out-of-state! But, due to financial reasons, I probably wonā€™t be going.</p>

<p>I own a Thoroughbred ex-racehorse and ride 3-4 times/wk, and Iā€™m 60 yrs old.</p>

<p>^^Thatā€™s impressive>^^</p>

<p>Now that my kids are leaving the nest, Iā€™ve decided I need to concentrate more on myself. Iā€™d love to see more parents bragging about their accomplishments.</p>

<p>^ I agree Toledo, so here is my brag --</p>

<p>I became an official empty nester last fall and since then have walked just about every morning six days per week with a group of neighbors AND Iā€™ve started an adult ballet class for folks who have a dance background but havenā€™t danced in a long time AND I began taking private swimming lessons with a really good coach and finally have a kick-turn Iā€™m proud of! Aside from exercise, I have been doing a lot of quilting projects I had put on hold for years. So my brag is that Iā€™m really enjoying this phases so far when I was full of trepidation over it.</p>

<p>Kids are doing okay too . . . but itā€™s all about me now!</p>

<p>Sewhappy, you already know Iā€™m impressed with your fitness routine, but I really liked your brag in #1507. I can relate to that!</p>

<p>I got a raise today at one of my jobs :). Unfortunately Iā€™m only going to be here for a few more months but it was significant enough to make a nice difference in paychecks!</p>

<p>I was a finalist in the karaoke contest on my recent cruise (hope DeskPotato sees this). I also sang the National Anthem at a large state convention and am hoping to be asked to do it again this year.</p>

<p>Francie12 - thank you for re-homing an OTTB.</p>

<p>Now that is cool, thumper !</p>

<p>Wow, sewhappy! All of that since last fall?! You donā€™t waste any time.</p>

<p>^ The walk/run with my neighbors was sheer luck. We moved here about two years ago and they were very nice about pulling me into the routine. The swimming was at the motivation of a friend who wants me to do an Iron Man competition (in her dreams! ā€“ not going to happen). The dance class was me though, have wanted to do for a long time.</p>

<p>In general though itā€™s a good time in life to focus on yourself and your interests again. I really hadnā€™t anticipated that.</p>

<p>My nonprofit is working of a major redo of our website. Also we have gone from having one location for our support group meetings to having two with a likely expansion to three in the near future. These are at some of our stateā€™s largest hospitals and Iā€™m very pleased!</p>