The Bragging Thread

<p>S (a freshman at a boarding school) just found out that he has the lead in this year’s musical! So proud of him. He also took the initiative to talk to the academic dean himself and switch out of a class he had originally been signed up for earlier this semester. I think I am more impressed with that :)</p>

<p>I didn’t flunk 7th grade! <em>so proud of myself</em></p>

<p>Got in to Tulane today. Can’t beat their school for international health and I really love the flexibility of their programs. The staff has been absolutely phenomenal as well. </p>

<p>Still no word of any money from anywhere :frowning: haha</p>

<p>I feel like I totally rocked a Skype interview for a summer internship today! I really like the school and hope they give me an offer :D</p>

<p>All the youngsters [sorry!!] are doing great!! Congratulations to you both!!!</p>

<p>And Romani, it’s warm in NOLA. Congratulations! Hope some money comes through with those acceptance offers.</p>

<p>HGFM…hope that job comes through!</p>

<p>Son got a job offer today!! We will finally have someone in our family of 4… employed! :smiley: He just graduated in January. It’s low pay but benefits seem pretty good, but best of all… it’s a J<em>O</em> B ! :D</p>

<p>NJres: My S2 is also the only one in my family who is working. :eek:</p>

<p>Daughter just got promoted to be assistant to tv anchor…she’s only 23 and a history major…hah!!!</p>

<p>My D found out last night that she has been accepted to 2 Canadian Universities for her Masters of Music Performance Degree starting this fall. One is a full ride and the other said the finance package is on the way and we know it will be at least 50%. This news has removed a lot of stress because we leave tomorrow morning for NYC then 2 other cities for 3 audition in 5 days. Like she says ‘I know I am going somewhere’ now she can relax a bit and enjoy these auditions. Very proud of her and I hope I can brag again later about these other schools (2 in the US and 1 more in Canada)</p>

<p>Wow thumper1, so cool.
Yay to percussiondad’sD and all the young folk progressing so nicely.</p>

<p>A couple weeks ago I said I would come back to brag. D was chosen by her U to present at an international conference host by her U. What she did not know was that she was the only presenter to be in her first year of grad school. Most others were already candidate or post-docs, and she was the only one chosen by her U. She reports that it was great, and the feedback she got was all positive. Good for her.</p>

<p>My brag. I had my last EVER formal evaluation last week. I sweated it because the evaluator is new in our school this year, and is not liked at all.</p>

<p>Finally, after PTC last night I am on a 4-day hiatus from work, our mid-Winter break. I’m going to hope I recover from the worst cold I have had in very many years.</p>

<p>Great news from all. Does DS adopting a 5 year old pooch count as a brag? The previous owners couldn’t take care of the dog, so DS adopted him. I think it’s terrific!</p>

<p>Of course, Thumper! Can’t think of anything more brag worthy than saving a life.</p>

<p>Congrats everyone on jobs, grad school and pet adoptions! It’s all good. </p>

<p>Romani - my nephew also just got into tulanes MPH program for the fall, as well as one other so far. If you two end up at the same program that will be a small world! My DS is still in 'NoLA so if you need something say the word.</p>

<p>I got the job!! I have until Monday to accept, but since I’ve not yet gotten any other offers I may accept at the end of the day since I’ve really enjoyed talking with them.</p>

<p>Looks like I may very well be spending my summer in Virginia!</p>


<p>Jym, I didn’t see your last comment until now. I will take you up on that!</p>

<p>And congrats, hgfm!! :-D</p>

<p>Thank you both! I can’t get TOO excited yet because I’m at my current practicum until about 4 or 4:30 and I don’t want to be jumping up and down in their office. </p>

<p>But tonight we celebrate! A couple of my cohort-mates have also gotten offers in the last day or so. :slight_smile: it’s going to be a good summer for all of us!</p>

<p>Kudos HGFM! You will love Virginia.</p>

<p>Congrats Romani and Grace!
Grace, what part of Virginia?</p>