The Bragging Thread

<p>Finally finished reading every play of Shakespeare and the poems of John Keats. I think I’m starting to talk like Shakespeare</p>

<p>Thank you all! I just officially accepted the offer and I’m VERY excited about it!</p>

<p>mominva, I’ll be at Lynchburg College in…well…Lynchburg.</p>

<p>My brag doesn’t have to do with college but S not only made the All-County band, he also made Area All State, All State , and most recently, All Eastern Band on trumpet. </p>

<p>He could easily major in music but chose physics. His father and I are both music teachers ( hs band and beginning strings)and would certainly encourage him if he chose music but we are a bit glad he didn’t. We think physics is better suited to him. </p>

<p>Congrats to all on your successes!</p>

<p>HGFM - That’s awesome! Congrats!</p>

<p>Oracoj58 - Congrats to your son! I knew some incredibly talented musicians in high school who couldn’t make higher than Area All State. That’s really impressive. </p>

<p>My brag - I popped into my graduate advisor’s office today to ask him a research related question, and he told me that the department faculty had met recently to discuss the progress of this year’s first year cohort. He said that the professors in the department had unanimously nice things to say about me, and were very impressed with me. He was very happy with me (which was good because I’d just told him how I’d goofed up the counterbalancing on some trials, which were filler but still interesting).</p>

<p>Or…that All Eastern Band will be terrific. My kid played trumpet in it in 2003. Terrific concert!</p>

<p>Julie- always great to know that others think highly of your work- Congrats!</p>

<p>Thumper, glad to hear your son had a great experience. Some have told us All State is actually better ( in NYS), I Can’t Imagine that to be true.</p>

<p>DD (23, grad student) is going to be the youngest person at a job-related leadership meeting/retreat/strategy session out of state next week. </p>

<p>A fairly small group of people. They are flying her in. This was unexpected and she is really excited. (A senior leader who should be attending designated her as the delegate from their group.) Now she is thinking of ways to “look like a grown up.” My advice was that she read something school- or work-related during breaks rather than texting friends :smiley: and - even though it is a “retreat” - to dress business casual, not in jeans.</p>

<p>Nice tailored slacks, nice sweater or blouse, non-matching blazer. Subtle piece of jewelry.</p>

<p>Cortana posted:</p>

<p>*Finally finished reading every play of Shakespeare and the poems of John Keats. I think I’m starting to talk like Shakespeare *</p>

<p>I admire this tremendously!</p>

<p>Finally got my first offer! </p>

<p>Full tuition + stipend + health insurance for St. Louis! Yay!! :D</p>

<p>ETA: A GRA position but I can definitely live with that. The director is trying to get me to do a joint concentration in Biosecurity/Disaster Management and Epidemiology.</p>

<p>^^^Congrats, romani! That is awesome!</p>

<p>Great news Romani! Can’t wait to hear the other offers, and final decision. St. Louis wouldn’t be a bad place to be!</p>

<p>Oh so awesome Romani!
So happy for you!</p>

<p>Kudos Romani! Biosecurity/Disaster Management and Epidemiology sounds very interesting.</p>

<p>my mom found a job. same with my dad!! thank you lord jesus!!!</p>

<p>now it’d be great if I can hear some good news back from grad schools.</p>

<p>spectastic --</p>

<p>Fantastic news! If you don’t mind me asking, how long were they unemployed? I’m sure that must have been quite stressful on your family.</p>

<p>my mom was technically a technician (haha) working at a university. These jobs are meant to be temporary for people trying to move up the ladder in academia, but she did that job for years. There was a period for several months where she felt very trapped and depressed; no 401k, you know what I mean? Her English skills was her main obstacle. </p>

<p>As for my dad, he was a scientist or something like that. But it’s not a highly paid job; only 50k or so. It’s more of a glorified post doct than a real job. He did that for years, and that was also a means to an end. But my mom called me yesterday about the good news, telling me they’re drinking red wine. (they never drink). But I’m happy for them. It takes some burden off of me because I don’t have to worry about them anymore, and they don’t have to be so damn frugal like they have been for pretty much all of my life.</p>

<p>Congratulations Romani!!! I am so happy and proud for you (even though you won’t be coming to New York)!</p>

<p>Hey, I haven’t ruled it out. Just convince Columbia to be nice to me :stuck_out_tongue: </p>

<p>Actually, Columbia released all of their decisions this past Friday EXCEPT to the epi department (mine). -.-</p>

<p>spec, that’s wonderful. Kudos to your mom. I know the weight of having un/underemployed parents- what a relief to have that off your shoulders! </p>

<p>Thank you everyone. I have been ecstatic all day. I feel so incredibly blessed.</p>

<p>Spectastic, I am very glad for your family!</p>

<p>Romani, the school that ultimately lands you will be incredibly blessed.</p>