The Bragging Thread

<p>I appreciate it guys</p>

<p>oh, and I changed the front lower control arm bushing and ball joint on my car. I didn’t even know what that was two weeks ago, but I got them done and saved at least $750 of mechanic service. I suppose that’s something to brag about, considering I’ve never even changed a car tire prior to that. This will definitely come up in my next interview. No way I’m leaving it out lol.</p>

<p>I am so proud of one of my son’s classmates. While most of our life, we’ve been jealous of him. He seemed to get all the breaks. But as we’ve matured, we’ve seen how many obstacles he’s had in his life, and his perseverence and hard work is what got him the successes he achieved. He is graduating in three years from a good college that he attended on an athletic scholarship, although the young man has always been at the top of the class academically as well. He will earn a degree in physics and math. An amazingly brilliant kid. He’s gotten admitted into two amazing colleges for grad school. I am just so proud of this young man for all he has achieved and I wish only the best for him in his future endeavors.</p>

<p>Zooser, I might be in new York after all. I’d pm you but the mobile site doesn’t allow this. In at Columbia for epidemiology with a certificate in Sexuality, Sexual & Reproductive Health :). </p>

<p>Unfortunately, it comes after the offer by SLU so now I just get to play the waiting game for financial aid. I would very much like to go to Columbia… It’s my second choice academically but not likely given costs :(. Oh well! I can’t complain about life atm! :-D</p>

<p>Oh my God, that is so amazing Romanigypsyeyes! Congratulations on that wonderful news! I am beside myself I am so proud of you. Yay!!!</p>

<p>Thanks, ZM :slight_smile: </p>

<p>You’ll be the first to know if I’m going to be wandering to NYC any time soon :D. OMG the prices on places though. Holy ****. I’m so spoiled by the midwest.</p>

<p>Congratulations, romani! = ̄ω ̄=</p>

<p>Oh shoot I meant to edit the last one but I ran out of time :(</p>

<p>My 2nd brag is that I told my sister and for the first time in my life, she said she was proud of me. That was almost as good as getting the offer. We’re not close and she’s incredibly self-centered so for her to say she’s proud of me is just a wonderful feeling. No matter how old I get, I’ll always want the approval of big sis on some level.</p>

<p>man, you’re so popular around here.</p>

<p>congrats romani!</p>

<p>I say it here so I don’t say it elsewhere ;)</p>

<p>Go romani!!</p>

<p>Just reading all of romani’s great news! How awesome to have such options. And how wonderful that you are hearing (well deserved) kudos from your sister.</p>

<p>Kudos Romani!</p>

<p>I have been absent from this board for a long time, but had to come and post this brag. DD, who had been working for nonprofits overseas and in the USA a bit, decided the time was right for grad school, finally took the GRE and got her apps in with literally minutes to spare. (She shared one where the email confirmation said, “Thank you for your application submitted January 2 at 11:58 pm”. Due by midnight, of course…"). Only applied to 5 grad schools because she was too late to do some apps, and she didn’t like the climate at some others… In at 3, still waiting on 2 more. But she proved me wrong, after I told her there wasn’t really any funding for grad school. Got a Fellowship and Assistantship worth full tuition (over $38,600 per year, for both years) from Duke’s Sanford school MPP. YEAH!!!
BTW-Congrats Romani!</p>

<p>Great news Anxiousmom!</p>

<p>Boy it’s great to sometimes be wrong. :). Such great news on this thread!</p>

<p>My relative was very crushed when he was rejected by all the med schools he applied to last year. This year he cast a wider net and has already recieved two acceptances–one with merit aid covering 4 years of tuition! He and his family are elated!</p>

<p>congrats. wish I could say the same for myself. Waiting for two schools to respond. Going to contact some professors to do some digging, and showing some interest. I honestly would go for grad school and a 50k pay cut over an entry level position with my chemical plant. I would only reconsider if I get an offer from exxon, who offer 95k for their entry level engineers. They’re making money faster than they can print them. It’s ridiculous</p>

<p>Some more scholarship money will be being passed around as people start declining. You have idiots like me who applied to wayyyyy too many schools who are going to start having to make choices :). </p>

<p>Congrats everyone!</p>

<p>I applied to 5, how many did you apply to?</p>