The Bragging Thread

<p>I find this thread to be slightly ironic, considering most of college confidential threads are ‘bragging’ threads in a way, but I still get it lol </p>

<p>I’m super excited for me and more importantly me best friend/hopeful future husband! I’ve gotten lots of scholarship money (around 100k so far, and I’m still hoping for the Gates!) and four likely letters from Columbia, WUSTL, Amherst, and Wellesley (and after hearing how rare likely’s were, and considering I don’t play sports nor am a super genius, I was extremely surprised to receive one!). Even more exciting, for me at least, my friend’s been accepted to Dartmouth!</p>

<p>This is a really big deal for my community. I don’t believe an ivy leaguer has ever hailed from my town, and this year our town’s two valedictorians have BOTH been accepted to one, and regular admissions aren’t even out yet! I keep pinching myself! I had no idea this was even possible!</p>

<p>Congratulations to everyone else on here :slight_smile: It makes me really happy to see the hardwork of myself and others pay off! WHOOOOOOOP!</p>



<p>I… am legitimately embarrassed to admit this, but 10 :o. I’ve gotten in to the 8 I’ve heard back from. I truly did NOT think I’d get in to more than half of them because they all emphasized post-bacc work experience and I’m coming straight out of UG with no research experience. </p>

<p>I believe I am going to SLU because of the full scholarship plus. However, I was also awarded 50k to go to Columbia (minor scholarships elsewhere). It covers most tuition but it leaves living expenses uncovered which I’m just not willing to take on in debt :(. I haven’t gotten my FA package from them yet though so maybe there will be some need-based aid that makes it doable.</p>

<p>I’m really hoping Tulane or Emory come through big for me. Not looking good at either though.</p>

<p>Congrats, tipa :D! Hard work really does pay off!</p>

<p>don’t worry about it. I’ve seen people applying to as many as 16. Between the two of us, I’m the idiot for being too lazy to apply to GA tech, columbia and UCSB. are you doing a masters then? that’s cool. as far as I know, masters look for grades more than research experience. I got a friend/coworker who recently graduated from columbia with a masters degree. $70,000/year, all paid for by his parents. Why can’t I have parents like that??? jk</p>

<p>Yes, I’m doing my MPH. I need more research because I’m doing Biosecurity and Disaster Preparedness & Epidemiology (I think) and they look for research experience in jobs. There’s different kinds of “research”. </p>

<p>35k/year for tuition at Columbia. Which isn’t terrible but living there is.</p>

<p>I’m going to brag on the delicious food in my city. And not at the famous chef’s restaurants, like Emeril’s and Besh’s, though I’m sure they’re delicious, but I’ve never been.</p>

<p>I’m talking about the local neighborhood restaurants in what’s called Mid City in our area, where you can get po-boys and comfort food and pizza and gourmet seafood dishes all at the same place, and all fantastic!</p>

<p>I was working in the area around lunchtime and was hungry, so I stopped in a local place that I hadn’t been to since Katrina.</p>

<p>Rather than getting fried seafood, I opted for the lemon trout over garlic mashed potatoes with spinach, and a seafood cream sauce. As it is crawfish season, the seafood cream sauce contained crawfish and crabmeat. It was a white sauce, only slightly spicy, just the way I like it.</p>

<p>Oh, what a wonderful meal.</p>

<p>My wonderful husband has been working so hard, so I asked the waiter to pack me up a to-go order of the same dish, so I could serve it to my husband for dinner.</p>

<p>Thank you so much, Katie’s, for coming back after Katrina! We have missed you and we are so glad to have you back!</p>

<p>oh me! me! Got to brag one more time. DD in at Yale MGA. No news on funding, but REALLY hope she gets funding because the flexibility of the program is perfect for her. This is the application she submitted two minutes before the deadline…</p>

<p>Wahoo anxiousmom!!! Great news!!</p>

<p>Someone in my locale saw a robin today. Must have been a nice contrast to the 8" of snow, but it gives me hope :)</p>

<p>This is going to sound dumb but what’s an MGA? The only thing that comes to mind is masters in graphic arts but I doubt that’s right :o</p>

<p>Ha… ;-). Yale Jackson Institute for Global Affairs, Master Global Affairs, I think. I believe I made up the abbreviation! I really should google it before I post this!!! The name of her programs was different depending where she applied: some were Master Public Policy, some Global Affairs, etc. She lives overseas and is an adult, so i haven’t been involved in the process much.</p>

<p>btw-the Yale program was new for 2010-11 school year, and is very small. I think 25-30 students. She has her fingers crossed and is really, really hoping for funding. 4 years working with in the field for non-profits does NOT give you a big savings account!</p>

<p>Ahhhh! That sounds incredible. So many congrats to you both.</p>


<p>Does your D hope that getting a masters in global affairs will open up more job opportunities besides working for non-profits?</p>

<p>43/50 on online college jeopardy test for college tournament… hoping for an audition invite!!</p>

<p>aqua, I think she will most likely continue to work with non-profits, but who knows? She realized that it was time, after 5 years out of school, to go back. She waivered between PhD and Masters, but decided to start with just Masters. :-)</p>

<p>Well I am going to brag about my D once again. Yesterday she found out ironically by all 5 schools she has audtioned at for her Master program that she been accepted in all of them. 5 of the top schools and now she says she is in the drivers seat as they have all told her to let them know what is being offered by other schools and they will negotiate with her. All I can say is at least we know she is going somewhere. Very proud of her she just got inducted into Phi Kappa Phi and will be graduating Summa cum laude.</p>

<p>percussiondad. YAY for your D. I hope you get to go to the PBK induction ceremony, for us it was much more special than the big graduation thing. Don’t let her talk you out of attending (our D gave it a shot…“oh, it is no big deal”…NOT!!!)</p>

<p>This is my small brag. I am not supporting any children in any way! I was paying phones and car insurance but no more! Both kids are entirely self supporting! Yea!</p>

<p>deb, what a great brag – not small at all!
My brag… just learned a show for which my S did some choreography just got an outstanding NYTimes review. So proud of him, the director, actors, and crew!</p>

<p>We just found out that our first grandchild will be A GIRL!!! A GIRL!!! A GIRL!!! (see my screen name ;))</p>

<p>Wonderful news My-3!!! Congratulations! So what college will she go to ? ;)</p>