The Bragging Thread

<p>A women’s college, of course! :D</p>

<p>S1 <em>finally</em> bought his 5.5 yr gf an engagement ring! He told me there was a box on my desk to put in the safe. Ok, so he hasn’t actually given it to her yet…but I see progress :)</p>

<p>Oh, my3sons, that is fantastic! Have fun!</p>

<p>Yay…son just got his third med school acceptance. We prayed for at least one accepance and happily now he has three. :)</p>

<p>Mom2college…congrats! That must feel so good.</p>

<p>D1, 2011 college grad, has been invited to go back to her college to give a presentation to the department she majored in as the “knowledgeable” alum tonight! She sweated and perfected her presentation like a senior working on her senior thesis!!!</p>

<p>S1 is at a conference in Atlanta doing a presentation with one of his grad school profs. I know he will do really well.</p>

<p>Less than one week after listing our house for sale, we are under contract!!!</p>

<p>Wow! That’s awesome!</p>

<p>Thanks, we are thrilled. The neighbors thought I was joking when I told them of the pending sale.:smiley: </p>

<p>Now to all that packing…yikes! Conveniently, H left the day after the contract was signed to head to the office in our relocation spot. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>Congrats! You could hire movers and have them pack it all. Pricey but hey…you deserve it!</p>

<p>VH-- What conference??</p>

<p>Wow about the house. That’s good even for good times.</p>

<p>In my countdown to retirement, I am down to $1.25, going down a quarter as the number of quarters I have left to teach passes. June 2014 can’t get here fast enough.</p>

<p>On this date in 2015 I will be in Valencia celebrating the Fallas.</p>

<p>I got my confirmation email yesterday that I’m all set to graduate. I’m the first in my family to get a bachelor’s degree and I’m actually getting two :).</p>

<p>jym: SEPA. I don’t know what it stands for.</p>

<p>Romani: Go celebrate. You deserve it!</p>

<p>Congratulations Romani!</p>

<p>Love the good news!</p>

<p>S1 moved the engagement ring from the fire safe to her finger :slight_smile: and he even thought up a good scenario and got on bended knee.</p>

<p>Congratulations, sryrstress! A wedding is in your future!</p>

<p>Am sure ring looks much better on her finger than in safe. :). Congrats! Keep us posted!</p>

<p>Great news romani and sryrstress!</p>