The Bragging Thread

<p>S1 played his second rugby game with a new team – just one half. He played really well, and the coach said he’ll be playing more in the future.</p>

<p>This makes him very happy, so it makes me Very Happy!</p>

<p>Love all the good news.</p>

<p>My DS got a 30 on the Putnam Math competition! </p>

<p>(He was fairly happy with 2 last year so this is a big jump!)</p>

<p>Woo hoo, eso!!</p>

<p>I finally got my driver’s license! :smiley:
May not seem like a big deal but I thought I was never going to get it! I failed over the summer; the second time, they wouldn’t let me take the test because my tints were too dark; and the third time, it snowed! Fourth time’s a charm.</p>

<p>Congratulations to Writer 1992! You will remember this forever.</p>

<p>Another driving brag.</p>

<p>Son and labmate were working on their project and were not succeeding in accomplishing what they needed to do with the tools provided.</p>

<p>So, they jumped in his car and drove to Home Depot and bought a cordless drill!</p>

<p>Now, this may seem silly to y’all, but it floored us. This is a young man who refused to get his license until last year, and we are just so proud that he got in his car and drove to a store on his own!</p>

<p>Over the past two weeks I have saved over $2000. First I saved the cost of a new dishwasher after the computer panel on mine misfired and froze up each time in the second rinse of the cycle. The appliance repairman said it couldn’t be fixed and I needed a new dishwasher even though mechanically it was fine (and only 8 years old, AND a Viking). After he left, on a hunch I just pushed the button for “pots and pans” instead of “normal” wash and the cycle goes all the way through! Problem solved AND super clean dishes because of the extra scrubbing! :D. </p>

<p>Then my car took me hostage because the unlock button froze in the locked position and I had to climb out the window (I discovered at this point that there is no manual override on the doors to get out of the car if the power locks fail in the locked position- safety hazard much?!). The dealership said I needed new actuators $250 labor per door (4 doors) plus parts… $1000+… all so my passengers and I don’t have to pull an “Indiana Jones” anytime we want to get in or out of my car. Found a little independent shop (read: NOT a dealership…), and the kind owner contorted himself into the fuse box, replaced a tiny fuse with a higher voltage fuse, and guess what? No more problem, locks work fine. He didn’t charge me anything, just said he hoped I’d be a customer for life…he’s got that right! It’s been a great week!</p>

<p>I have lost 31 pounds since mid January… Feel so much better already…</p>

<p>Congratulations rushedmom!! That is awesome! Wishing you good health in the future!</p>

<p>My daughter came in 5th in her division in her 1/2 marathon trail run on Saturday, and she got a B in a math class that she thought she might fail.
She says next time she is going to win.</p>

<p>Daughter will be first from her high school class of 500 to receive her doctorate. Pretty good for a student never labeled “gifted” by our local school system.</p>

<p>I successfully negotiated a private sale of our swim club membership.
My 3 kids will now receive a minor windfall to help with a) grad school, b) wedding caterer, c)flight home to attend sib’s wedding.</p>

<p>Love all the great news!</p>

<p>mominva, that was an expensive membership.</p>

<p>I seem to be recovering from my double oral surgery. Never underestimate osteoporosis.</p>

<p>Yay! So much good news. You’ve inspired me to add:</p>

<p>My S was recently named to the HS All-Conference Ice Hockey Team.</p>

<p>My 2011 college grad came over last night to go over his taxes. He has paid off his student loan, funded his Roth IRA for 2012 and almost fully funded his 2013 Roth IRA.He is also building a steady savings account. He is fully self supporting. This is my child who I had my doubts would make it through the first semester of college. I am very proud of him.</p>

<p>Wow! So much good news here! Very cool. :)</p>

<p>D2 is in her first opera this weekend. She has a duet part, and she is dramaturge for the production so her notes are in the program! She’s only a sophomore! Really proud of her.</p>

not that big a windfall, it won’t pay for all of that :-o.
It is just that I will split the profits so each will get a boost for their pending expenses.</p>

<p>My son, a junior BBMB major will be attending the American Chemical Society conference next week. He is to participate in the poster session with his research on the “Substrate Specificity of PcpA”.</p>

<p>…which he has tried to explain to me numerous times and I still don’t understand.</p>

<p>So what is BBMB?
I had figured out Bachelor’s in Business/Master’s in Business until I got to “Substrate”!!!</p>