The Bragging Thread

<p>Woohoo! Another wedding thread! Will I EVER be able to post the same brag:(</p>

<p>thumper, you will. Be patient. The last thing you want is for them to marry the wrong person!!</p>

<p>Sabaray, a very heartfelt congratulations to your son on his great job opportunity! I also have a non-college son amongst the bunch who is taking his sweet time getting his act together. The full time job search has been going for over a year since he left school last spring. I can feel your excitement, and can really appreciate what this accomplishment means!! :)</p>

<p>Thank you, Blue!</p>

<p>35 in the act math sectionā€¦</p>

<p>Thanks romani- thats the last time Ive heard from her- but at least it is something.</p>

<p>My youngest however- came down to see us last weekend & invited me to come up to her college town ( she stays there summers, because she works & is taking classes) to see an outdoor movie.



<p>And then there are days like today. Dinner was too late. His phone doesnā€™t work right. The mangoes I bought are terrible. I woke him too early. </p>

<p>And so on and so on.</p>

<p>We should introduce your son to my daughter, VH!</p>

<p>Put in my two weeks today. :smiley: <em>dances</em></p>

<p>800 sat math</p>

<p>Offer from the firm he is a summer associate with, to begin after he finishes his Judicial Clerkship with a senior Judge on the US Court of Appeals! </p>

<p>Brother got engaged this week. Sister happily traipsing around Jordan and learning Arabic. </p>

<p>Maternal happiness trifecta!</p>

<p>^^^Congrats, robyrm2!!</p>

<p>D. got used to her rotation, got used to being treated as the last dirt on earth, just another obstacle to overcome (probably biggest so far) on a road to her goal. Rough and getting rougher, but there is a hopeā€¦</p>

<p>Thanks VeryHappy!</p>

<p>H just retired after >45 years at a job he LOVED! Now we are off to repair our home and travel for fun! We are thrilled!</p>

<p>Awesome news!</p>

<p>Last night, H and I had a farewell dinner with 3 men from his workplace and their partners. I held a retirement party for him in early January, when he 1st retired. :)</p>

<p>HImom, what an accomplishment, 45 years at a job he loved.
Not too many can say that.</p>

<p>My brag today is very very small but made my day:
The grass seed I planted last week in the 90+ heat and have watered twice per day is now SPROUTING! I am a totally incompetent gardener, thus my amazement!</p>

<p>Yes, he is so glad to have enjoyed his job and must of his coworkers as much as he did over the decades. He originally retired on 12/31, but his boss begged him and got the jape rework thru to rehire him for an additional 6 months so he could help train some replacements, since he basically kept absorbing more and more peopleā€™s jobs over the years. </p>

<p>D was very happy that when we went to the open house at his workplace in late June, everyone singled H out and made a fuss over how much they enjoyed working with him. She was so proud and happy that his devotion and hard work was appreciated.</p>

<p>Pretty cool.
Nice that your D was able to see her Dad in that setting and appreciate his importance to many coworkers.</p>

<p>Bet that sheā€™ll remember that scene.</p>