The Bragging Thread

<p>Yes, she remarked that time and again during the event, people sought H out and chatted happily woth him while ignoring others around. She thought it was the most interesting of the open houses for H’s work that we ever attended. :)</p>

<p>Even after living in one of the biggest party apartments near campus, I’ve stayed away from alcohol and drugs. As of now, I’m five months sober and for the first time since sophomore year of high school, I’m not constantly thinking about when I’ll get drunk and/or high. It’s a great feeling, one that I almost forgot.</p>

<p>^way to go, whenhen – that is a great accomplishment!</p>

<p>I got feedback on my 3 screenplays – they each scored in the top quarter, so they made the first cut at the contest I’d submitted them for, but didn’t get beyond that. Just glad they scored well.</p>

<p>She’s here and she’s gorgeous!!! Our first grandbaby arrived this week and I couldn’t be more in love! Her mommy was awesome and her daddy is over the moon with his little girl.</p>

<p>Such great news!!! Congrats all!!</p>

<p>Director of the program where D is volunteering this summer made a point of seeking me out and gushing about her today. He said that when she is old enough, she is guaranteed a paid position there if she wants it. All credit goes to her. I am just her sherpa.</p>

<p>S1 just was offered and accepted a wonderful offer of full time employment from the major tech company he has interned with the last 2 summers. This will sure take a lot of pressure off of his senior year. I am a proud mama.</p>

<p>Getting an internship at the united nations this summer though it’s strictly only for college graduates</p>

<p>I finally had the patience to cook ribs “low and slow” on the grill today. 3 hours later, we just had the <em>most</em> delicious dinner :)</p>

<p>Spoke with D just now. She’s closing in on an apartment, after living on friends couch for a week or more. She hopes to tour Monday and close the deal. It’s fairly near campus, so she knows the area and there is gated parking, which is another plus. Yippee! We were just wondering if we should be flying up to help her find a place.</p>

<p>Lots of great news! Congratulations to you all.
Keep it up, whenhen. You have good reason to brag.<br>
And my-3-sons, I teared up when I read about your new grandbaby. So sweet!</p>

<p>I’m going to be on the radio tomorrow and also interviewed for a magazine article about my nonprofit. Yippee!</p>

<p>Both the interview and radio show went well. We’ve even been asked for a return visit in November, “Great American SmokeOut” and National COPD month.</p>

<p>HImom, that’s great. Glad it went so well.</p>

<p>So proud of the great news from s#1. Who could ask for more?</p>

<p>jym, will you share the great news? Or did I miss it upthread?</p>

<p>He had an incredible meeting with the cofounder of the company he is newly working for. The cofounder was blown away with DS’s work and told him he was targeting him for a leadership position.</p>

<p>S1 recently got a promotion to full Lieutenant and is now a company commander (U.S. Navy). His company is now training for deployment to Afghanistan next summer.</p>

<p>Congrats pack mom! You should be so proud</p>

<p>Nothing so awesome as those above me, but today I had the first day of classes for my last year of teaching.</p>