The Bragging Thread

<p>Got two precious feral kittens in traps ready for spaying and neutering tomorrow. Haven’t done this for almost ten years, and so proud of myself for getting back to doing the volunteer work I love.</p>

<p>Thank you, Montegut for doing that work. Will the kitties be released or will they be looking for homes?</p>

<p>JYM. Big congratulations:)</p>

<p>Will brag on this vet and the program going on sponsored in my community. I only had one appointment, but they took both kitties. Spaying and neutering is FREE! Since I will release them in my yard, though they may go back a block over where they came from, I am getting them tested, deflead, all their shots, all for less than the cost of spaying and neutering at the regular vet. I figure they deserve a fighting chance at a healthy life outside of just spaying/neutering. Hoping that they’re young enough to eventually be socialized. Also wanted to give financial support to a vet that is willing to participate in this program. Got another appointment at another clinic next week, and please keep your fingers crossed I catch one of the calicos. They are always the hardest to trap, but the most prolific of the kitten machines, unfortunately.</p>

<p>Montegut, that’s wonderful! That vet seems like a real gem. I wish there were more like him/her and more like you that want to help strays even if you can’t always give them a roof :).</p>

<p>Just my luck, both males, but they’re both healthy! Got another appointment in two weeks, so hope I can catch those calicos! Neighbor actually has homes lined up for the calicos. I think my two ginger cats are beautiful, and I hope they bring me a lot of luck! Now, about the names … Charlie and Gracie are not going to work now.</p>

<p>Mutt and Jeff? Bert and Ernie?</p>

<p>My sons both bought houses last week. Looking forward to helping them paint and fix up. Not moving though…haha. I can finally get S1’s stuff out of here! Best of all, those 6 deer heads are going to be hanging in their homes :):)</p>

<p>@Montegut, are you keeping them or releasing them?</p>

<p>Nacho and Cheeto?
Julius (as in Orange…)?<br>
Agent Orange?!?<br>
Are you a Harry Potter fan? How about Ron and/or Weasley?</p>

<p>Playing off the HP angle, there’s always Fred & George.</p>

<p>I have an amazing husband. Upon hearing that the two new kitties tested negative for FeLeuk/Aids, are tameable, he suggested that we keep them. We have a Feline Aids positive in our yard, and he was worried they’d get infected. He was also worried they’d run off and be hit by a car and he’d never forgive himself and I’d be unconsolable. He knows me too well. He also knows they will keep me home and tame my travel bug.</p>

<p>They are now in my son’s old bedroom, hiding, but food and water and litter are out. Our other cats are all over 10, and while I really don’t want to start over, with son getting ready to graduate, he may want to take them when he goes out on his own. I’ll consult him on the new names, but for now, Charlie seems to know his name, and the other one, I’d like to call Quint, but am calling Fluffy, as he is a fluffy version of my son’s cat.</p>

<p>The rest of the strays in the neighborhood are very feral, so I will probably TNR them, and at least stop the population growth. I will release them where I trap them, which is what you’re supposed to do. I just didn’t have the heart to give up these two, and since I got the two together and they are siblings, I thought they’d have a better chance of adapting to their new home together.</p>

<p>Thanks for all the support and wish me luck!</p>

<p>Congrats on your new family members! Last night I heard about a friend’s son who had three cats. One got out and he eventually put out a Have-a-heart trap to catch her. He ended up trapping two other strays, which he adopted. And, he eventually got his own kitty back.</p>

<p>^^^Fantastic! I know once I put my trap in my yard to catch the visiting tom, I’ll probably get my two already fixed cats as well. Just got to be patient!</p>

<p>The new kitties have used the litter box! And boy, are they eating that Fancy Feast! This morning, they are still hiding, but at least I can see where they are hiding. And I’ve finally spotted the fluffy one again, and he’s huddled with his brother, who is a little more adventurous and allows himself to be seen. </p>

<p>Found evidence that they’ve started to explore, but so far, not much damage. I didn’t get a chance to catproof the room too much, and I’m hoping son’s collections survive the taming process.</p>

<p>DD starts her new EMT job on Tuesday…and it actually pays a sort of living wage. This is her “in between” job until she figures out grad school.</p>

<p>Congratulations to all!!!</p>

<p>S2 announced today that he’s seriously considering graduate school, in the subject he’s loved since he was a child. The job he got out of college pays a ton but is just not the right field for him. DH and I already knew that. I’m thrilled that he’s realized it and is taking practical steps to get to a better path.</p>

<p>Officially engaged. He proposed to me today with the ring in front of all of our friends at our house warming party. I cried cuz it’s what I do. The ring turned out to be absolutely beautiful and I couldn’t be happier :)</p>

<p>Good news all around. </p>

<p>Best wishes, romanigypsyeyes.</p>

<p>Yea … congratulations! :)</p>

<p>Congrats Romani!!
All the best to you both.</p>