The Bragging Thread

<p>DD got a job offer.</p>

<p>Yayā€¦ congrats to your D, MD Mom. </p>

<p>S2 (class of 2012) just had his one year evaluation at work and got a sizeable raise. Happy,Happy,Happy.</p>

<p>{{{applause, PackMom}}}</p>

<p>My daughter finished all of her nine college applications (26 essays and an Art portfolio with 15 pieces of artwork (in 3 versions: PDF, hard back book (shutterfly) and slide room)). She completed it all before school starts which is next week Monday! She will be a Senior this year. She started dancing when she finished! :slight_smile: </p>

<p>Iā€™m also so relieved the college search and college application process is now over. Now we can sit back and see where she ends up! :)</p>

<p>TXQā€¦that is fabulous. She can enjoy her senior year without having applications hanging over her head. (if you are applying for financial aid, check to see if there are any early priority deadlinesā€¦if she applied EAā€¦for the Profileā€¦if required).</p>

<p>Gosh - I forgot about the CSS Profile. Thank you for reminding me. It seems like it never ends! I think we have to fill out the forms starting October 1st. I donā€™t know the due dates off hand but I will find it. I am going to do them whether we get aid or not because it may be required for merit or student jobs, etc. So one way or another it doesnā€™t hurt to fill it out. However, it is another long process. Agh!!!</p>

<p>Havenā€™t posted here in awhile. But my daughter now a senior at Notre Dame just received a job offer at JP Morgan in NYC for next year. So proud but sad ( Midwest mom here) at the same time. She put down Manhattan as her first choice and got it. Hey Montegut-- we talked years ago:)</p>

<p>^^^Not years, just recently when Bama played ND!</p>

<p>I am so, so proud of your daughter! That is so wonderful!</p>

<p>My brag is that the feral female that I returned to the colony got a good report from the caretaker. The lady never put her back outside, and she reports that Mindy, I named her, is very sweet natured, likes to be pet, and is eating and using the litter box well. She may even be able to find a home for her, since sheā€™s not only been fixed, but been tested and had all her shots. I am so glad I made the investment and hopes it gives her a chance at being adopted.</p>

<p>Montegutā€“that is a painful memory we Domers have relegated to the depths of our brains :)</p>

<p>S2 got the call at 4:45 today. He closes on his house Tuesday. They told him to have his insurance binder faxed by Monday. Thanks for the notice :slight_smile: but we got it done thanks to an extremely helpful Liberty Mutual representative.</p>

<p>Montegut- Srystress is right. I must have blacked out that day our talk about the game:) How cool that you are helping to give cats a home. I am into dog rescues, and stopping puppy mills.</p>

Heā€™s in engineering.</p>

<p>^^^Yes, please stop puppy mills!</p>

<p>Good to hear that engineering jobs are out there. Son is a senior, and Iā€™m getting nervous.</p>

<p>As for football, thanks to a very nice CC friend, I am now in possession of a pair of real tickets to a Bama football game. Not the parents weekend plain paper kind, but the kind with a picture of Nick Saban on them.</p>

<p>I am hoping that the gatekeeper will scan them, and I get to keep the tickets.</p>

<p>I know my husband will put his up in his cubicle if he gets to keep them, although Iā€™m sure his coworkers, diehard LSU fans, will be using them for dart practice.</p>

<p>Most likely they will scan the tix and let you keep them, since youā€™d need them anyway if you stepped out for refreshments and needed to get back to your seat. Thats the SOP for professional sports (havenā€™t been to a college game in a while) So no worries there!</p>

<p>My accountant said we owe the IRS an additional 22K.</p>

<p>Oops, thought this was the whining thread. Itā€™s been a long time, but I might have to drink heavily tonight.</p>

<p>Good idea BDā€¦start a Whining Thread!</p>

<p>Ouch, BD. You can brag later about which alcohol was the best.</p>

<p>My DH converted a bunch of regular IRAs to Roths 2yrs ago. The tax implication was spread over 2 years but was still HUGE. Iā€™ll have some of whatever youā€™re pouring!</p>

<p>We do need a whining thread, though Iā€™m afraid if I started it half the whines would be mine.</p>

<p>We did the same thing with the Roth conversion, jym, and prepaid it already with our extension in April, so thatā€™s why Iā€™m shocked thereā€™s so much more.</p>

<p>On the bragging front, though, S2 got a part in a play he didnā€™t think heā€™d get, and S1 loves his new job and is piling up money in his bank account. I wonder if heā€™d notice if we borrowed some to pay our taxes.</p>

<p>Another bragā€¦ I just made million miler status on Delta. I thought maybe the confetti would fall from the sky when they scanned my ticket, but instead I realize I might just get a free baggage tag out of it. Actually, I think that is more of a whine.</p>



<p>Whoo hoo!!!</p>

<p>And I just know that this maintenance delay weā€™re having is really a pretense to get us off the airplane so they can set up for my million miler party. Yay! Party for me in the Detroit concourse!</p>

<p>You know, there is something to this combining brags with whines.</p>


Maybe you need to brag about your new accountant. ;)</p>