The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

@muttsandMT Thank you so much! You really have helped ease both me and my DS’s nerves. I’ve been reading through this thread and I do agree, everyone here is so helpful and friendly and we could really use that positive energy to push us through a very busy month. :smile:

Now… I don’t want to flood the page with my questions but I just wanted some feedback. My son goes to a math and science school… yep, you heard me right, a possible MT major at a math and science school! And it’s a boarding school! I definitely did not expect it. But, I’m worried that because he has not necessarily had the same opportunities as other students that it will be hard for him to make it past pre-screens. He has been or directed all of the plays that his school puts on (three a year), he is the President and Music Director/Arranger for his a cappella group, and he did make All-State Honors Chorus last year. (I know this sounds braggy, I just want to give you all context, so sorry!) The school he goes to now is only Sophomore-Senior, so his first year at our local school he did participate in the school musical, but I am afraid that he is not experienced enough to actually be considered by any MT programs.

He is taking voice lessons, dance lessons, and getting monologue help, it’s just hard to be a supportive parent because he is at a boarding school.

So, I guess two questions: What can he do up until auditions to make him the most prepared he can be, and what are some schools that he can pursue MT as a degree or something similar that are easier to get into?


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@AceBrandon314 I’m no expert as we are just going through this with D. I think what you’ll find is it’s not about experience, it’s about talent. Certainly skills are developed with training, but talent is talent. D IS in a performing arts HS. She HAS been doing this forever. However her program director (used to be a casting director on Broadway) makes it very clear to the kids not to get hung up on name brand schools. BFA vs. BA, etc. He actually told them when you audition for professional parts, the casting director won’t care where or IF you went to school. It’s just about talent and what they’re looking for.

Now that said, a good program (defined by your kid for his fit) is one that will let him build and refine his craft, perform, etc. That will give him a better chance to hone that god given talent.

PS. There are kids at D’s school who get accepted into great theater programs but never got cast in HS shows. They just weren’t right for the part per the director. Seems crazy but that’s reality.

Your son must really love it to have that interest in his current setting. Good for him, and good luck!

@AceBrandon314 very well said and accurate! I am struggling through the college mt audition season for the THIRD time. ?. It doesn’t get any easier.
These kids will all find a home somewhere and what becomes their dream school may be one they never considered previously. While a top tier school name may help get their foot in the door sometimes, their audition gets them the job. In the end it’s about that, not the name of the school on their resume. It DOES all work out in the end :). My older 2 kids do pay their bills as actors. FINALLY lol

@AceBrandon314 Since your son is away and somewhat behind the 8 ball I would recommend you hire a college audition coach. They can really guide him and give him advice and you can choose how much they do. They know what these schools are looking for better than local teachers who usually are good at teaching technique but not necessarily how to put a package together and how to choose a well rounded list and how to do a prescreen, etc. Lots of national coaches listed here on this forum and he can Skype. MTCA and MCA are two examples.

@AceBrandon314 I second @loribelle 's idea to hire a coach if you can…they can guide you both through this and make it so much easier and less stressful for you, and I also agree with her that they are more knowledgeable than local teachers typically are about the very unique and specific BFA college audition process. Not that it’s impossible to be successful without a coach (it definitely isn’t), but since your son is a bit behind it will definitely help. I would also try one of the national coaches mentioned here on the boards – MTCA, Mary Anna Dennard (AKA College Audition Coach), Chelsea Diehl at My College Audition, Dave Clemmons, etc – or someone like them who has a proven track record in terms of being around for a while and successfully helping kids getting into BFA MT/Acting programs at reputable schools. Another resource to check out is a book called I Got In by Mary Anna Dennard – even if you don’t use her coaching services, this book is a fantastic source of information, and it’s how many people I know started to learn about this process.

Does anyone have thoughts on submitting a Wild Card where the applicant is working with a scene partner for dance and vocals? The video is from a professionally taped live show.

. @sitzprobe. I know someone who had another person in their wildcard. It wasn’t a scene but the other person was in the piece (that person passed some of their prescreens). Maybe make sure most of the focus is on your child.

But I hadn’t thought about using a video from a show…interesting…did others do this? Maybe call one of the schools and ask?

funny all the activity is on the pre screen thread right now…anyway thought I would provide some insight from this week’s Experience the arts day at Ohio U on 10/14…

All arts majors including music, design theater, etc gathered at 9 am…i’d guess about 150 kids maybe 200 but included some local field trips visiting with their teachers.

Theater ( Acting & MT) was about 40-50 kids but again included some kids from the local HS field trips who were not auditioning. Morning 2 master classes IN MT w Alan Patrick Kenny, head of BFA acting program and some current students.

Parent & Kid info session with the whole theater faculty. very nice, warm and welcoming but not a whole lot of data points on the audition, acceptance type stuff.

Dance call at 1pm for about an hour w 20 kids. Straight acting kids began their auditions at 1pm…about 14 girls and 6 boys in the Dance call. 2:15 started individual monologue and song auditions for MT kids… was well run and organized, D sang 2 songs and 1 mono for APK , he asked her 1-2 questions and we were done at 3:30pm. nice campus, students seem very happy, nice town…not sure when they will give results but this was considered first and final.

@NYYFanNowMTdad I was there as well - and am wondering if they let us know sooner or if we have to wait until March/April? They asked me questions as well, such as would I want to be considered for Acting BFA as well ( which I didn’t view as a good sign)

Haven’t been on here more than 1 or 2 times during my son’s Jr year, but now that we are in Sr year and in the thick of it all, I figured it was time to catch up. Glad to read this thread and feel he is more or less on track with apps, prescreens, results and scheduling auditions!! Looking forward to seeing this journey through with all of you!

Very thankful for the great family of MT folks here. What do they say, misery loves company? LOL
We are trying to make sure we find joy in this process. After reading posts here for a couple of years now, I have seen folks remind each other to stay positive and enjoy the ride. We’re trying. I’m not going to lie, we’re not there yet.
Please allow me to share one of our big concerns at the moment. We are about a month out from my D’s first in-person audition. We are struggling to settle on a pop song. Is anyone else having difficulty?

FAFSA question here - I know this is primarily discussions for the application and audition process, but after searching general financial aid threads I can’t find an answer…and I assume almost all of us are in the same boat as far as the 10 school limit to list. I have contacted the few schools that indicate on the portal whether the FAFSA and CSS profile have been received, because they indicate still waiting and each admissions office says it could be because the financial aid office hasn’t accessed it yet. Seminars I have been to and general info on the internet seem to say that so long as the email has come from FAFSA that the report has been processed (which I did receive 10/4) schools have them, even if not accessed yet but I am scared to death to pull the trigger and delete schools - has anyone done it yet?

They will give you a number assigned to your child and then you can call that number into the schools 10+ (like a social security number) then you don’t have to delete.

@mamaboyz - THANK YOU!!! That’s the first I’m hearing that and I like that option much better!!! Is that a number I can get from signing into the website and looking at my S’s profile or do I need to contact FAFSA specifically for it?

Ugh… my husband was handling the FAFSA stuff and he didn’t know about the number you mentioned @mamaboyz …he already did the delete thing after he got confirmation that it was sent to the first ten. I really hope it didn’t get messed up!!!

@muttsandMT - where did your husband get a confirmation it was sent? I received the email from FAFSA that the SAR had been processed, and the 10 schools I listed were part of that report, but I have searched that website high and low looking for some confirmation it was actually sent and nothing. At the seminar I went to last week, the lady from PHEAA said that if the schools are listed on your report and an email was received stating the report was processed, then it was sent - but absent some kind of actual confirmation, I am not the just “assume” it was done type!! I would be comfortable deleting if I had an actual confirmation email saying your report was sent to XYZ schools - like the email you get from college board when you send SAT results, they list the schools it went to.

Hi @theatrekidmom ! My D got two emails (one for each list of 10 schools) titled “Processed successfully: 2020-2021 FAFSA form”. My husband says that the directions (and the FAQ) say that once you get that email, you can go in and “modify” the FAFSA by deleting the original 10 schools and adding the new ones. He said he didn’t fully trust it, but didn’t see any other way to do it, so he waited a week before he actually deleted the schools and put the new ones in.

Does anyone know if there’s a way to check on the schools’ portals to see if they received your FAFSA?

I think about 4-5 of the portals my S has have it listed on the checklist of items required; the rest do it mention it at all. All of them still had a red X and said awaiting and that’s why I called and all they could tell me is it would not be checked off as received until the financial aid office actually reviewed it when considering admission…but they would not go so far as to say they actually received it :frowning:

@theaterkidmom its called a DRN or Data Release Number- I think they might email it to you at some point? not sure