The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

Don’t know if this will ease any of your minds, but the majority of us “old timers” did the delete method when adding additional schools and everything was received by all of the schools without a problem. :slight_smile:

Last year parent here- we deleted and added schools beyond the 10 and never had issues. Some schools won’t even show they have your FAFSA on file till Feb-March (filed October). I wouldn’t worry about it.

@NYDreammom, that’s good to know that they won’t show up for awhile. I was seriously starting to wonder if I needed to starting calling each of the 20 we’ve submitted so far. Still 6 more to be done! I still don’t quite understand how we got to 26 schools, but at least we are casting that wide net! :slight_smile:

So I’m going to be filming prescreens in a few days. As for dance prescreens Ithaca requires students to learn their dance combination. Would it be bad if I use that same combination for the other dance prescreens for other schools?

@MuTh2024 Several of the program heads that I have heard speak about using Ithaca’s dance routine are totally fine with that. That’s what my D did last year and passed all her prescreens.

@MuTh2024 i believe their is something on their site that specifically says NOT to do that, i recall something about copyright issues. My D thinks ithaca expressly says on their you tube instructions that you may not ( i didnt look) Plus the other schools KNOW its ithaca dance & i have her anecdotal comments that they dont like that, imagine if all kids started sending school "X "the ithaca dance, it would be fairly obvious. we were strongly advised NOT to do that MTCA. sorry to be so grim

@BrennaK you are MUCH more experienced with this than I. i defer to you only stated what i was told…

The Ithaca dance is so very specific my D did not want to use it

@NYYFanNowMTdad Well, now I’m wondering about the schools that didn’t explicitly say it’s fine… were they annoyed that my D used Ithaca’s? I have no idea! We heard so many different program/department heads speak over the past 2.5 years, I can’t remember who all said it was ok. Pace definitely said he’s totally fine with seeing 1,000 videos of Ithaca’s dance routine, and I know a couple others did as well. But, I only have 1 kid that I’ve successfully gotten through this process (still working on kid 2), so the coaching program that you went through definitely has more experience.

Hopefully some other people will chime in here. My S isn’t auditioning for Ithaca, so he used something totally different.

FWIW Arizona has its own dance on you tube as well if you audition at unified you need to film and send in, if you audition on campus they have a dance call ( no pre screen)

First time posting in this group but have definitely enjoyed reading all the posts.

Just curious if anyone else has a D or S applying to a small number of schools with only one that has an audition? I know it is great to cast a wide net, but my D only wants to stay in-state (CA) and we cannot afford private schools so she has 2 safeties (academically and no audition) and 3 reaches (1 optional monologue video - straight acting and 1 audition but have to be invited - MT).

I was starting to feel worried like maybe we’re missing something. I will say that my D told me the other day that she is going to take full advantage of whatever program she ends up in and will definitely get involved and make the most of it.

Ithaca specifically states you should not use their dance for other school’s prescreens at the start of the training video. Maybe other schools don’t care, but Ithaca does.

@MuTh2024 and @NYYFanNowMTdad unfortunately I read the exact same thing. That Ithaca specifically stated to not use their choreography for anything other then their submissions. In previous years it was open game and most ppl used it. I think this statement is new this year.
@MommaCat i think there is no right or wrong way to go about this process. It is all up to each individuals needs and what they are looking for. It sure sounds like your D has a fantastic attitude and is very motivated. That is what makes a successful college experience… and beyond! That would definitely ease my worries as a parent. :slight_smile:

@MommaCat , if she has two non-audition safeties that she would be happy to attend, then no, you don’t need to cast a wide net! 5 is fine. The advice to cast a wide net is for people who are going for very selective audition-based programs - since each of those programs only takes a small percentage of applicants, you need to audition for a lot of them to increase your odds of getting accepted SOMEWHERE and not being shut out.

But if your daughter is happy with her safetys, then she definitely WILL have a college to go to, so it’s totally up to you and her how many other schools to apply to. :slight_smile:

@MommaCat D applied to 9 schools last year with one being ED (Acting). One was non-audition, two were “safeties” and the rest were reach. She also had to look within a certain radius from our home. If she had not gotten in ED, or prescreens weren’t accepted, she was going to apply to a few more by January 1. We were rolling the dice that she would get audition spots, but the never-ending fees were coming out of her college fund and we couldn’t bleed it dry. If nothing came through, she was going to work in a local theatre and take a gap year. Good luck to your D.

Any of the parents who have gone thru this have advice or things to look out for re academic acceptances? We have a handful and don’t want to screw anything up. One already asked to fill out a housing form? Of course I’m trying to read everything carefully but worried we will miss something? I believe we have till May 1 generally to decide something officially but wanted to ask if there’s anything to watch for. TIA!

@intheburbs May 1 is the official regular decision deadline and you shouldn’t feel pressured by any school to commit earlier.

Question regarding Unifieds - how many can you schedule in one day?? One in the morning, one in the afternoon? Is there an “evening”? Trying to schedule and realizing I don’t have enough information to do that.

@DramaLove2020 The general rule of thumb is two per day. The only evening activity I remember is a dance call for one of the schools. You might be able to squeeze in more if the schools don’t have a dance call. Also, if you have downtime there is always the option to try a couple of walk-ins. While traveling to unifieds, I had my son research schools that would be there that we didn’t know much about and identify those that he’d want to to a walk-in for if given the chance. He was able to schedule with 3 out of the 6 schools he was interested in.

@DramaLove2020 For unifieds, it’s safe to schedule 2 per day. You can sometimes squeeze in a 3rd, but I wouldn’t try to schedule a 3rd right now because you probably won’t have any info re: dance calls yet. There are no evening slots, but schools will sometimes have their dance call at the end of the day (around 5pm), but you won’t necessarily know that until right before Unifieds. The good thing is that most colleges understand that you’re trying to make appointments without having all of the info, so they try to work with you if you have a conflict.
Try to schedule your top priorities first (good school + good chance at getting in) and then backfill with others. Try to spread your priorities out on different days (if you have 2 priority schools, don’t put them on the same day if you can help it) that way you have flexibility.