The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

@crazytheatregoer are they offered every day? I was supposed to audition on campus next week but had to move that due to my school show and I now requested Chicago but have very little time left there . they responded that they will help me reschedule and to be on the lookout for an email but I am trying to even figure out if I can fit it in!


If you were the dad who walked an extra kid back to the Student Center after the master classes at Wright State this weekend, then thank you. My D said there weren’t many dads there but that a very nice MT student and her dad helped her find her way back to the student union. My D was there for the acting program.

BAL to your D on the audition!

Sorry for this dumb question. I know they ask the students to bring their “Book”. Do they have a Book as well as their audition sheet music, or are they one and the same? Man… this whole process has me shook. LOL

@BlessedNStressed The book is the notebook with sheet music for auditions. D’s book contains a variety of music (pop, traditional MT etc). D has been asked to sing something else from her book in auditions. Best of luck!

@yellahamma Thanks. I was wondering if folks carry two binders… one containing her book and the other with her two audition pieces that will be on the piano with the accompanist. I saw in one of the emails reminding students to put their name on their book because the school collects them and allows the pianist to review them prior. I also saw where professors spoke (in a video) about reviewing the book during the audition to see what the student had to offer. The logistics confused me. How could the panel look at her book if the pianist was using it to play? I appreciate the help. I think my brain is just fried.

@anastasiasmom - not a problem , it was a fun day! happy to help as one of the few dads…

@BlessedNStressed the two song cuts can be in the same binder as a few additional songs.

Not a bad idea to out the two song cuts you want to sing first at the front of the binder, and other songs later in the binder. A table of contents at the front, and tabs for each song, can help if asked if you have something else, and to find it quickly.


Since there’s not much activity on the “Theatre Tech” threads, I’ll share this here – hope no one minds!

My D is applying for BFA Theatre Design and Production programs, specifically lighting design. All but one of her 14 schools requires interviews, preferably in person but we can’t make that happen, unfortunately. The schools seem to be a little more forgiving with Skype/phone tech interviews than they would be with acting/MT auditions, so hopefully she won’t lose points for not being there in person at every school.

In early October, we traveled to NYC/Boston/New Jersey and visited SUNY Purchase, Pace, BU (wow), Emerson, and Rutgers (even more WOW), which gave us a great idea about a smattering of programs. Fabulous trip and very informative…but exhausting! If anyone has questions about any of these schools, please ask away – we learned so much.

Emerson is the only one on her list with an Early Action option for tech, so it was the first one up. Since we had just been there a month ago and we’re in Texas, she had to opt for the phone interview, which was on Friday. Even though she has loads more to do on the rest of the applications – although she has a strong portfolio prepared, every school requests a different number of photos with/without captions, etc., so she can’t necessarily upload the same batch everywhere…not unlike the varied prescreen requirements – having the first interview done seemed like a huge relief! She was the last interview for the faculty member who called her late in the day on Friday, so they talked extra-long. I think she felt good about it. Her stress level since Friday has been much improved! One down, 12 to go. (Yikes)

Loganator. Thank U!!! DD is a junior and we have started doing our research on Design/Tech programs. She is interested in Stage Management and has her portfolio all set. sounds like it will need to be adapted for each school! uh!!! Did she also have to create a digital version of her portfolio? My DD only has an 85-86 average so I don’t think her GPA will be strong enough for Emerson and BU but we did look at PACE and are going to Purchase today. Love to hear any info and updates from you. My older DD is at UARTS and they have a DT and DPP program that you can look into. My DD is there for MT and loving the atmosphere, opportunities and support at the school. Has your DD looked at Wagner? I know the have a design tech program as well. I would move all this into a Design/Tech Thread but have no idea if thats even possible and if so how.

Wright state master class & Audition review from this past weekend… This post from last year is 100% on point so no need to re write anything. Addams family production was very impressive…

OCU this weekend- audition #5 of the fall…exhausted already , D is holding up far better than I LOL

Ugh. I wish my D could have attended the master class. She simply couldn’t miss more school. What an exhausting weekend for her. Arriving at midnight to the hotel, up and auditioning the next day bright and early, getting up early the next morning back to the airport. Phew! She LOVED Wright State though. She was very impressed w the faculty and said the students were really friendly.

Anyone who auditioned at Belmont on 11/2 hear anything yet? sounded like some people who auditioned 10/26 heard 11/4-11/6 ish.I THINK I heard of at least 1 yes & 2-3 nos from 10/26 audition date…so just wondering- trying to make some sense of this crazy process.

We just visited Savannah College of Art and Design where my daughter was accepted into their Production Design program. I was very impressed with that visit. They get their students internships in Atlanta and they stay at their campus while doing the internship. Many internships lead to jobs and they make sure the students come out with an impressive portfolio. As a production design major you can specialize in lighting, set design(my daughter’s preference), costume design or theme parks. She may want to consider their B.F.A. program if you haven’t done so.

Does anyone have any insight on the MT programs at ECU (East Carolina) or WVU (West Virginia)?

wow how this process can change overnight…after very mixed prescreen results we have our first BFA/BM MT YES & before thanksgiving is such a relief…still a LONG way to go but getting a YES from a great program like Belmont from the 11/2 audition date is a huge relief…whew, started this process with a very wide net and simply hoping for choices in the end!! feeling huge relief that D will get her BFA in MT

Congratulations to your D! @NYYFanNowMTdad
That is fantastic news!!!

Woohoo! A huge congrats @NYYFanNowMTdad !

@NYYFanNowMTdad Congrats! So great to hear this!

@NYYFanNowMTdad Amazing! Awesome!! Congrats to D and her support squad! One down, many more yet to go!! Celebrate!!!

@NYYFanNowMTdad hooray! Congrats!